The CONSENSUS™ Platform Reaches One Million Demo Views

Hilary Bird
Silicon Slopes
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2017

CONSENSUS™, the SaaS application pioneering the way in Buyer Enablement technology, announced today that the platform has garnered over one million demo views. These one million demo views equate to more than 30 million minutes, or 500,000 hours, of time saved by salespeople not having to do live, in-person demos. Instead, hundreds of companies operate more efficiently because their prospects come to the sales conversation already educated and ready to talk specifics. This efficiency shortens sales cycles and increases close rates.

Watch the Consensus demo:

“We’re putting the demo in the hands of the prospect, where they have full control over when, how, and what they want to learn about in your solution,” said Garin Hess, Founder and CEO. This choose-your-own-journey approach for prospects is a critical adjustment that all sales teams should be embracing, as research by CEB has shown that over 57% of the buyer’s journey is complete by the time they’re speaking to a salesperson.

The Consensus platform encourages prospects to learn, and share, on their own — while sales and marketing soak up analytics on how their prospects are interacting with the demos. Hess continued, “Our patented personalization engine engages people instantly. The average amount of time that people spend in our demos is more than three and a half minutes — that’s three times longer than any other video platform.”

Dave R Taylor, CMO at Impartner and Consensus customer, said, “Rather than presenting all three different groups with the same message, I can use Consensus to show what’s important to them, and we can then serve up content that’s personalized for them and their needs.”

Impartner’s marketing team leveraged demo automation to 10x their lead gen.

The Consensus platform doesn’t aim to replace in-person interactions between salespeople and prospects, but rather, enhance them. The prospect comes to a meeting having already watched a qualifying demo that they’ve personalized to their unique needs, while the salesperson has back-end analytics to see how that prospect, and anyone their prospect has shared it with, has interacted with the demo. This enables the salesperson to adjust the discussion accordingly.

“Hitting the one million views mark is a big deal,” said Hess. “We’re very proud of it! It’s just one more indicator that we’re getting real traction with our customers’ prospects.”

Consensus is a SaaS application that accelerates B2B sales by personalizing video demos to each stakeholder. Clients have jumped close rates by 44%.

