Utah Entrepreneurs Are INSPIRING Individuals, Change, And Ideas

Every individual vote cast played an important role in the eventual completion of Utah’s entrepreneurial Mt. Rushmore.

Chase Norton
Silicon Slopes
3 min readApr 7, 2017


It’s Official.

The votes are in for 2017's Peak 100Utah’s 100 Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs— with incredible and vast public participation and encouraging and fascinating results.

Let’s take a quick detour to understand the background and importance of the award itself.

Over 25 years ago an eager group of thinkers and visionaries accurately anticipated Utah’s looming technology and entrepreneurial explosion, and correctly conceived the important role an open and engaged business community would play.

UVEF (Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum) was established to educate and recognize entrepreneurs, connect and engage a growing business community, and assist in the burgeoning tech and startup scene in Utah. A quarter-century later and UVEF is still as active as ever in fulfilling the founding vision.

A primary effort is recognizing 100 of Utah’s most inspiring entrepreneurs.

For the past couple years Peak Ventures has sponsored this event with UVEF with the goal of more accurately recognizing the entrepreneurs in Utah that are inspiring people and implementing progress.

The importance of inspiring entrepreneurs, individuals who create and build businesses, can’t be overstated. They are vital to Utah’s economical future and enabling and unleashing the power of its residents.

To more accurately accomplish the goal of recognizing this type of entrepreneur a simple strategy was implemented. Ask the people who are most affected by them: 1. employees and 2. consumers.

The goal is to collect votes for entrepreneurs, individuals that are actively inspiring real people and encouraging world changing ideas.

In a single month we received over 15,000 votes for actual Utah entrepreneurs that make things better. This was nearly double last years total. The ecosystem in Utah is healthy.

Every individual vote cast played an important role in the eventual completion of Utah’s entrepreneurial Mt. Rushmore… the Peak 100. Here are the top 10 in alphabetical order.

The Top 10 in alphabetical order as voted on by more than 15,000 Utahns and the UVEF Board

For the full list of 2017’s Peak 100 Click Here

We feel that the results are accurate in recognizing the entrepreneurs that are actively inspiring on a day to day basis.

We feel it is due to the amazing public participation and the lists submitted by the members of UVEF’s board; whose valuable perspectives were obtained through founding successful companies and active engagement as Utah’s top Venture Capitalists.

On March 17 Peak Ventures held an inspiring event recognizing the Peak 100. The night was dedicated to recognizing CRAFT. From creating businesses, to writing music that makes a difference, to inspiring change on difficult topics… it takes a great deal of CRAFT to create success.

Jeff Burningham, the Founder and Managing Partner of Peak Ventures and an eternal entrepreneur and advocate for Utah business had this to say.

“It’s been amazing for Peak Ventures to be a part of the incredible growth and success in the Utah startup ecosystem. Utah is going to continue to become a dominant force in the tech space and we’re excited to help fuel that.”

Looking Forward

Utah is full of innovation, businesses and ideas that are inspiring people, inspiring change, and inspiring evolutionary ideas. The Peak 100 is a small and simple attempt to extrapolate on and capture a portion of Utah’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and share it with the state.

UVEF is intent on furthering education and the recognition of Utah businesses and entrepreneurs, acting as a catalyst between the public and the Venture Capital community.

Stay tuned for updates on events, collaborations with Beehive, a rebranding experience, and the exciting announcement of a yearly Utah Venture Capital report.



Chase Norton
Silicon Slopes

Founder and CEO. One Exit Down. Launching Company #2.