Why Mental Health in the Workplace Matters

Danielle S
Silicon Slopes
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

The average American worker spends approximately 90,000 hours of their lives at work. So, it stands to reason that the workplace would be a great place to get help with the things that are causing you stress and emotional pain.

Unfortunately, most employees aren’t comfortable discussing their mental health at work. They’re busy cultivating a professional image that allows them to move up in the company, rather than getting the support they need.

But discussing mental health in the workplace is one of the most important things you can do.

Mental Health Makes or Breaks a Company

As an employer, you need your team to be comfortable and happy if you want them to be productive. When the bulk of your workforce is dealing with mental health issues, it hurts your bottom line. But most importantly, it hurts morale.

This has a direct impact on your business’ growth.

People Feel Disconnected

So, what’s contributing to the rise of mental health issues in the workplace? People feel disconnected. They find it hard to discuss personal matters with their coworkers, let alone their supervisors.

It’s that lack of connection that perpetuates and even heightens feelings of depression, anxiety, and emotional distress. When people feel disconnected, they retreat into themselves.

Businesses Can Help Turn Things Around

Mental health is often considered a taboo subject. It’s one that even close friends don’t discuss openly unless they absolutely have to. This creates a toxic environment around the subject that further alienates people struggling with mental health issues.

When they don’t feel confident discussing their concerns, their emotions, or their challenges, employees can’t get the help they need to make the right changes in their lives.

All It Takes Is a Responsive Employer

When you invest in your employees’ well-being and mental health in the workplace, you’re proving to your staff members that you care and that you value them not just as part of your workforce, but as people. You’ll see an increase in productivity, but most importantly, you’ll see an improvement in retention. The longer you can keep employees on staff, the less money you’ll have to spend attracting and training new talent.

The easiest way to improve mental health in the workplace is to encourage employees to be open about their concerns. The best way to do that is to give your employees resources to help.

Offer Mental Health Coverage

Offer health insurance plans that include mental health coverage. Provide coaching for team members who want to find ways to improve their lives both at and away from work. If you can, create an open environment that fosters communication and encourages people to express their concerns without fear of recrimination.

Encourage Open Feedback

Taking even a single step toward improving your team’s mental health is a step in the right direction. But implementing those changes and finding new and innovative ways to improve mental health in the workplace can feel daunting.

The best place to start is by asking your employees about the things they need and improvements you can make. You can even make this process anonymous by asking for suggestions through online surveys or suggestion boxes in the breakroom.

The process is ongoing, and you can always find new ways to improve awareness of mental health issues in your business.

What Blunovus Is Doing

Improving mental health awareness takes time, commitment, and a willingness to explore all options at your disposal. However, figuring out which options work best for your employees’ needs isn’t as simple as you might think.

Blunovus provides businesses with the tools and training needed to create an inclusive and inviting workplace from the ground up. Their proactive support programs make connecting with employees before they truly need help easier, thereby helping you improve your workplace well-being.

But there’s always more you can do.

The 2021 Utah Worksite Wellness Annual Conference is the perfect place to gain insight into overcoming the challenges your business faces. Blunovus Co-Founder James Hadlock will discuss how to overcome stagnant wellness surveys as well as strategies you can implement to make sure your wellness program is as successful as possible. Reserve your spot today.

