Nurgalykov Adil
Silicon Steppes
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2015


Football field on Gagarina street.

Our homework was to find football fields and to know the prices and primarly, speak up with rental person, about the date of tournament. So, we’ve seen a lot of fields and chosed 2 best ones. First field on Gagarin street, it’s price for hour = 12000 tenge, but tournament can be only after 2 weeks, cause there in near 2 weeks will be football games(League of Football Lovers), second field is on Zharokova-Shevchenko street, there price is much cheaper, and there are “roof”. Its very useful, because may be on this day will be rain or something like that, so roof can cover players. So we will talk with them and we want to reserve the field on next week, if it is possible. Because, when we were there, the boss of this place wasnt there, so our meeting will be later. #abmgroup

