Brandon Jones on WebXR Graphics, Oculus Quest, Location Based Social Networking, Pokemon Go, and Web App monetization.
At Oculus Connect 5 I spoke to Brandon Jones from Google about the WebXR spec and standalone VR devices. WebXR is a term that references both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality app development for the World Wide Web. We talked about the upcoming 6dof mobile controllers for the Mirage Solo Daydream Standalone headset, the Oculus Quest and WebXR in the context of both.
Brandon Jones (Toji) @Tojiro is a Software Engineer at Google on the Chrome team, he is a WebXR spec editor, and he’s been working on WebXR/WebVR basically since it’s inception in 2014 when it was his 20 percent project at Google and Google was just beginning to collaborate with Mozilla on the creation of WebVR. Previous to that Brandon Jones worked on Chrome’s WebGL implementation, with a lifetime of hobby graphics development prior to that.
Listen to the call here:
Background: I am currently working on an open WebVR project (called Neurohaxor) with a bunch of others that involves Brain Computer Interfaces, Neural Networks, an Oculus Go, and a Raspberry Pi, if you want to find out about that project you can click here but perhaps because of that I’ve been following Brandon Jones’s twitter stream and when I saw him at Oculus Connect 5 I jumped at the opportunity to ask him some burning questions that I had about the future of WebXR.
During the entire time I was talking to Brandon Jones I was thinking about Microdose VR made by a team called the Vision Agency that I’m a part of, that includes Android Jones, Phong, Scott, Evan Bluetech and others. The reason is that Microdose VR is a software that also incorporates brain computer interface technology to bring your essence into VR.
Also I recently spoke to Jules Urbach the CEO of Otoy for my Neural Lace Podcast and he has helped me to understand that the world will soon be streaming realtime ray traced graphics over networks to devices like the Oculus Quest and the Mirage Solo, so I am hoping that means that we will be streaming MicrodoseVR over the web someday, with realtime ray tracing, integrating the latest brain computer interface technologies, and other technologies to make the experience even more incredible and immersive.
So I attached some video from MicrodoseVR to the talk which was just audio, it’s not running in WebXR in this instance it’s running on a PC, but I truly am looking forward to the future of WebXR when it is capable of supporting the very best computer graphics over networks to standalone devices like Quest and Solo.
We talked about Cloud Anchors in the call if you don’t know what that’s about read this
You could get started with WebXR here:
But realistically it might be better to started with WebVR right now and do WebXR later.
Check out MicrodoseVR here:
I mentioned in the call two apps 8thWall and Supermedium here are some links
Finally here is a link to the news of Google’s new 6dof controllers for the Stand Alone Daydream headset called Mirage Solo