CascadeSF is a fantastic event series! (Photos that you can use/share at he bottom)
Silicon Valley Global News
6 min readNov 24, 2017

The CascadeSF events really rock! I could feel within minutes of being at the recent UXNight event what I can only describe as a fantastic crowd energy. There was a palpable excitement that I really only see when people are excited to be at a great concert, and I think that the crowd that this specific serie of events attracts is part of why these events are so popular!

Andi Galpern is the organizer behind the CascadeSF seriesf events which includes UXNight. I started following Andi’s work via youtube recently. I watched her being interviewed by another host, I watched a panel talk that she led, I watched her sing with Tony Parisi, and I watched some of talks she helped organize on youtube as well. If you search youtube for CascadeSF you can find many talks that were filmed at CascadeSF events.

While watching her past work on youtube is a good intro actually being at one of her events a whole different thing. About two weeks ago I was able to attend UXNight by CascadeSF! UXNight is about User Experience Design in AR and VR, which is a very hot topic, it is for example very possible for a Designer with no coding skills to use AR and VR to create design mockups for all kinds of products including but not limited to AR VR products.

There is definitely a lot of room for designers in the tech world, and her event is one of the places where you can learn exactly how some designers are working in AR and VR or working for non-AR VR companies with AR VR programs, all of this without needing to know any programming.

It’s also evident that Andi does significant research before each event to find speakers that you are really going to want to hear from, one example of that is the news that some of Andi’s future events will feature discussions around Blockchain and Cryptocurrency featuring speakers that have key roles in the industry.

It is little wonder that these are the kinds of events that the right people want to be at. These are events where you can learn things that will have monetary value to you, and your future career.

When you are at one of Andi’s events you are going to mix with a lot of amazing people who I would estimate are also very career focused. She attracts a very particular crowd that appreciates her particular curation choices and her particular interests.

When I got there, the event had already started, and the talks had already begun, but there was still plenty of delicious food to eat, plenty to drink and lots of satisfied happy people.

Here is an interview I did with Adam Croston from Re-scan he spoke at UXNight by CascadeSF

Check out this interview I did with Jonathan Tzou of iStaging at UXNight by CascadeSF

Here is another interview with Neilda Pacquing representing Superworld at UXNight by Cascade

Now the photos:


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