Event in the Park: BCI + Deep AI + XR

Sunday May 27th 2018 1pm to 3pm in Dolores Park, San Francisco

Silicon Valley Global News SVGN.io
4 min readMay 19, 2018


Via Micah Blumberg, Journalist, Researcher, Neurohaxor at http://vrma.io

Title: BCI + AI/DL + XR
Subtitle: Computational Biology and the future of brain machine interfaces with deep learning AI, virtual reality, and augmented reality
Focus: Group Activity: Presentations, Collaborations, Discussion, and Workshop

The Question that brought us here: Do you think anyone would be interested in meeting on a warm Sunday afternoon at Dolores Park between 1 and 3 just to talk about neuroscience, bci and the latest news? I hope we have many warm Sunday’s this summer.

After 3pm we can walk as a group to Noisebridge in the Mission which is only a few blocks away and use the wifi and electricity there to keep working, or at that point the group can separate.

Please donate $10 to my Patreon via the honor system, we will not enforce a ticketing system. https://bit.ly/2ItCH0x

Brought to you by two groups:
1. San Francisco Virtual Reality
2. NeurotechSF

Lets Meet Share Present & Build

This meetup designed to unite the Brain Machine Interface Neuro Hacking community with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality developers, and Machine Learning Deep Learning developers as well as people working in Theoretical Neuroscience and on Computational Biology.

Let me know if you would like to present (in the meetup) your start up, or project, or corporate agenda, we want people to be able to share what they are working on, invite others to collaborate, we have a slack channel and a discord channel and several facebook groups.

Feel free to share information about yourself, your company or team, your project, and or what you are working on as long as its closely related to the above mentioned topics.

Link to join our slack
Make sure to join the SF channel: #_san-francisco

We also have a Discord group how which you can join by visiting

Groups on related topics such as Neural Lace:
Self Aware Networks: Computational Biology: Neural Lace




The goal is to meet monthly, and eventually more often.

This is a meeting for people who work on or want to collaborate on projects that involve brain machine interfaces (BCI), virtual reality + augmented reality (XR), artificial intelligence meaning deep learning neural networks, or who want to work in or collaborate in fields related to neuroscience, computational biology, computational neuroscience, and closely related topics.

Please read up on the latest Computational Biology Papers, or papers and news on similar topics and come prepared to discuss. Share papers or news articles in any of the groups or channels above so you can prepare others in the group to be ready to discuss what you want to talk about as well.

We are open to presentations from the members, project proposals, plans, pitches etc.

Bring your laptop for notes or for sharing examples of your work or for giving presentations, you can take photos, bring your AR VR BCI AI demo if you wish, bring pens, bring notebooks. You may bring snacks or drinks for yourself.

About the Organizer: My name is Micah Blumberg, I’m the organizer of this meetup and I also represent, as an Ambassadoser, a developer called the Vision Agency that makes MicrodoseVR at MicrodoseVR.com and our team has already built an application that uses the Muse EEG faceplate for HTC Vive to track your heart beat and make the graphics in the VR app pulse with the beat of your heart, however that is a completely separate project from this and my goal is serve the community of Neuro-hackers like ourselves by creating open source tools that we can all use and share and work on together. I would like us to feel inspired by the Vision Agencies work to combine BCI with VR, but that’s all. I also founded the Self Aware Networks group on Facebook, I admin 30 groups, I do the Neural Lace Podcast and Silicon Valley Global News a short bio is at http://vrma.io I’m also on the board of advisors at Acrovirt reference Acrovirt.org



Silicon Valley Global News SVGN.io

Silicon Valley Global News: VR, AR, WebXR, 3D Semantic Segmentation AI, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Brain Machine Interfaces, Light Field Video, Drones