The Neural Lace Podcast #4 Guest: Andre Watson
Silicon Valley Global News
6 min readMay 5, 2017

The Neural Lace Talks is a podcast about Science and Technology.
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The Neural Lace Talks Host: Micah Blumberg Editor: Adam Alonzi

Have you ever wondered how Neural lace might work? I have some amazing guests talking about it on my podcast, give it a listen if you have time today.

In the 4th episode of the Neural Lace Podcast, I talk to Andre Watson, the CEO of Ligandal, a genetic nano-medicine company developing personalized gene therapies. Watson and I take a deeper dive into the synapse physiology and molecular biological basis of consciousness.

How much do we really need to understand and observe to effectively create neural lace? Andre presents his argument for the biological basis of consciousness.
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The Neural Lace Podcast Playlist Summary

The Neural Lace Talks is a podcast about Science and Technology. I am your host, a journalist who has been a student of the brain since 2005.

Find the youtube playlist for all the episodes here:

About the 4th Episode of The Neural Lace Talks.

We are going to need artificial intelligence big time to solve neural lace, and in this episode I hope I explain why it is going to work, why AI is the right tool.

Introduction: Do you remember that moment in the Harry Potter books/movies when Professor Snape kills Professor Dumbledore?

In that moment, for me, time seemed to slow down, and I had what felt like thousands of thoughts simultaneously. I became hyper conscious for one breath, I thought “how can this be? did this really happen? is this an illusion, a trick, a magic trick, is Dumbledore really dead? Is Snape really evil after all? Is Snape still somehow good? How could JK Rowling have done this to us? A thousand similar thoughts may have also ran through your mind at that exact moment. I hope that is how people feel when they listen to my podcast today and they get to the point where they are finally beginning to understand how Neural Lace will work, how their own mind works, how deep learning AI works, what brainwaves are, and more.

In this episode we talk about the molecular picture of the human brain as a kind of computation.

I talk about how my research began twelve years ago after reading a book by Jeff Hawkin’s called On Intelligence

Jeff Hawkins, Redwood Neuroscience Institute

Jeff Hawkins company Numenta

Have you ever wanted to know what deep learning neural networks are? We go into detail about what deep learning neural networks do in this podcast and I help to explain how understanding artificial neural networks can be useful for thinking about how our brains might work.

I successfully argue the case that humans are actually metal robots, because of the calcium and potassium ions in our brains, I successfully argue that we are precisely manipulating a magnetic field with these charge particles known as ions.

I put forward my hypothesis for the basic structure of consciousness that we have as being magnetic. Something that I learn would might be called the ionotropic brain, which is in contrast to concept of a metabotropic brain.

We also compare and contrast the neural network with the glial network and briefly touch on the possibility of a mitochondrial network.

We briefly discuss BlueBrain’s project where they answer how neurons connect to each other. Blue Brain Project opens new insights.
If the box below says “SHOW EMBED” please go ahead and click SHOW EMBED. Yes it is supposed to do that.

I argue how machines can have the same kind of consciousness as humans.
I explain diffusion tensor imaging.

I touch on tensor calculus

There was a recent study that said people who know more than one language think differently: “A study from Lancaster University and Stockholm University, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, found that people who are bilingual think about time differently depending on the language context in which they are estimating the duration of events.”

But what if everyone uses somewhat unique mental models from one minute to the next, and never the same twice? We tackle that idea and we consider how we can achieve Neural Lace even if no one ever has the same exact brainwave pattern twice, and we explain how deep learning Artificial Intelligence is going to work to identify what brainwave patterns are in specific instances.

We explore what a brainwave might be

I give a plausible explanation for how the human brain might be capable of calculation at room temperature in a similar way to how a quantum computer works and I explain a scenario in which the human brain might be able to perform mathematics faster than any computer.

We talk about the science fiction television show called Black Mirror and the dystopia idea of having advertisements in neural lace. We consider why hatred for advertisements might be an evolutionary impulse.

Finally we touch on why Neural Lace and Artificial Brains are an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics and the universe as a fractal, and we briefly touch on the dendrite as a computer in of itself.

There is a GPU Technology conference on the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th in San Jose, that is definitely the place for Neural Lace Researcher to be. Some of the latest ideas in how to create great AI will be featured talks at the Nvidia GPU conference. It will be a great place to learn about the latest technology coming down the pipeline that will put us one step closer to achieving Neural Lace.

Thanks for reading and or listening.

If you would like to be on an episode of the Neural Lace Podcast please email


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