The Convergence of Cutting Edge Ideas, Science & Technology into Virtual Reality
Silicon Valley Global News
4 min readOct 31, 2017

by Micah Blumberg, host of the Neural Lace Podcast at
There is a collision course for all domains of science and all manner of new technologies and new ideas to collide big time. This is the major focus of my next event, San Francisco Virtual Reality 360 novem that I am co-hosting with my friend Joe Lang, and my friend Dustin Wish who will be our Guest host this time Dustin will be filming and broadcasting the event with the Nokia Ozo camera! The convergence of ideas, science, and technology is in a sense the major focus of Silicon Valley Global News SVGN as well as SFVR360. SFVR 360 novem will be held on November 30th at the Microsoft Reactor in San Francisco.

My goal for the November SFVR event is to bring at least one speaker to talk about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and it’s convergence with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, another speaker to talk about Artificial Intelligence or Deep Learning Neural Networks and some new ideas on how this is being applied to the Blockchain and or VR. We are seeking Neuroscientists to talk about VR, AR, AI, and the convergence Biometric Devices like EEG, ECG, Eyetracking, Pupil Dilation Tracking, and also the potential to prescribe AR VR applications for pain relief in Medicine.

We are seeking talks on the latest advances in computer vision, mixed reality technology, both devices and developer software. We are seeking talks about drones, volumetric video, the latest advances in lightfield rendering, robotics, gene editing, 3D printing, and the internet of things. If we don’t get a speaker on one of these topics this month we will get them on a following month, because SFVR360 is a monthly series with events every month.

Microsoft Reactor in San Francisco will be the location for SFVR novem


Silicon Valley Global News

Silicon Valley Global News: VR, AR, WebXR, 3D Semantic Segmentation AI, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience, Brain Machine Interfaces, Light Field Video, Drones