USA Covid-19 death rate predictions

On May 4 for example I predict that the death total in the USA will be 119,300
Silicon Valley Global News
5 min readApr 18, 2020


Very short article by Micah Blumberg, Journalist, Neurohacker, Software Developer.

I would bet that the Federal stay at home guidelines are slowing down the rate of doubling, but the death total numbers are still doubling, and that is troubling.

Before I get to the death count numbers and my predictions I want to point out that as of 4/17 we have 710,272 total cases, 100,685 closed cases, 609,587 active cases, a closed case death rate of 37 percent, which suggests that when those 609,587 active cases close 37 percent will be dead. That’s 225,547 people dead from just the case total on April 17th. So it should not come as a surprise to anyone if we hit 100,000 deaths by May 4th.

I had the idea to do this in part because I saw that on April 17th, in the USA 2,535 had died bringing the total dead to 37,154. 7 days prior (April 10th) the total was 18,747. That meant that in 7 days the death total increased by 18,407. I realized that was almost a doubling in 7 days in the number of dead in the USA. So what if I divided the daily total for each day by 2 so that I could map out the rate of doubling over time. The rate of doubling, in the short term, seems to be slowing down over time and perhaps that is because of everyone’s efforts to shelter in place. However the fact that it is still doubling is troubling, the USA has a lot more people than Italy or Spain, it’s like having a lot more fuel for the virus (the fire) to burn, so I am having trouble believing that we are going to reach the peak in April.

The death total numbers from March 26th through April 17th came from the website.


d11.5 = deaths I predict will be double a number from 11.5 days to ago

d10 = deaths I predict will be double a number from 10 days to ago

May 6 d11.5 127,154

May 5 d11 124,536

May 4 d11 119,300

May 3 d11 94,560

May 2 d10.5 91,490

May 1 d10 88,420

April 30 d10 84,420

April 29 d10 82,308

April 28 doubles from 9.5 days ago 78,308

April 27 doubles from 9 days ago 74,308

April 26 doubles from 9 days ago 69,238

April 25 doubles from 9 days ago 64,886

April 24 doubles from 8.5 days ago 62,268

April 23 doubles from 8 days ago 59,650

April 22 doubles from 8 days ago 47,280

April 20 doubles from 8 days ago 44,210

April 19 doubles from 7.5 days ago 42,682

April 18 doubles from 7 days ago 41,154

Actual numbers: (note the doubling rate is a rough estimate what I think I’m noticing is that it seems like the number of days that it takes to trace a doubling is increasing, and I’m guessing that’s about 4 days to each increase in the length of days it days for the death rate to double.)

April 17 (37,154) / 2 = 18,577 (It took about) 7 days to double

April 16 (34,619) / 2 = 17309 7 days to double

April 15 (32.443) / 2 = 16221 6 days to double

April 14 (29,825) / 2 = 14912 6 days to double

April 13 (23,640) / 2 = 11820 6.5 days to double

April 12 (22,105) / 2 = 11052 5.5 days to double

April 11 (20,577) / 2 = 10288 5 days to double

April 10 (18,747) / 2 = 9373 5 days to double

April 09 (16,712) / 2 = 8356 5 days to double

April 08 (14,811) / 2 = 7405 5.5 days to double

April 07 (12,868) / 2 = 6434 4.5 days to double

April 06 (10,895) / 2 = 5447 4.5 days to double

April 05 (9,636) / 2 = 4818 4.5 days to double

April 04 (8,469) / 2 = 4234 3.5 days to double

April 03 (7,127) / 2 = 3563 3.5 days to double

April 02 (6,088) / 2 = 3044 3 days to double

April 01 (5,114) / 2 = 2557 3 days to double

March 31 (4,064) / 2 = 2032 3.5 days to double

March 30th (3,143) / 2 = 1571 3 days to double

March 29th (2,592) / 2 = 1296 3 days to double

March 28th (2,222) / 2 = 1111 2.5 days to double

March 27th (1,697) / 2 = 848 2.5 days to double

March 26th (1,296) / 2 = 648 2 days to double

End of main story.

I wrote these predictions to above to compared against the IHME predictions.

The reason I think IHME predictions have been wrong since the beginning is that their death totals have never exceeded the flu anyone who can do math, read data, and think for themselves can see that this virus is deadlier, more contagious, and more impactful on society than the flu.

So my article is really meant to be compared with the IHME article for the next 2–3 weeks. I wrote my article to give better predictions that their article. Here is another article that I wrote that helps explain why (in the second half of the page, so after the page loads scroll to the second half to begin) the virus is a lot deadlier than the flu, why its a lot more contagious and why its going to kill a lot more people.


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