He promised a wall.
He will be stopped by a wall of us.

Chuck Cantrell
Silicon Valley Resistance Group
1 min readFeb 21, 2017


Action 1: Attend a (Not My) President’s Day Protest

February 19, 2017

All-of-us must keep saying “not my President.”

Action 2: Point out the Elephants Who Are Not in the Room

February 19, 2017

All-of-us must show up, even if our MoC isn’t.

Action 3: Tell Lawmakers Overseeing Ethics to Shine a Light on Ties to Russia

February 19, 2017

All-of-us must keep pushing for investigations into Trump’s ties to Russia.

Action 4: Ask the US Golf Association to Ditch Trump

February 19, 2017

All-of-us must ask the LPGA to move their tournament.

