5 Reasons why every software developer should know GitHub

Shamim Ahmed
Silicon Earth
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2018

Have you ever wondered to work in a big project which involves a team effort? Its really tough to handle a potentially big project on your own. Being a software engineer it always remains a dream to accomplish a dream project of big size. So github is the reason that can trigger your excitement and make your development a fast & furious game.

GitHub — (originally known as Logical Awesome LLC) is a web-based hosting service for version control using git. It is mostly used for computer code. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project. (Wiki)

GitHub is an amazing platform that make your development process swift, convenient and easy, especially when a few individuals simultaneously are working on the same task. Apart from being a good tool, GitHub is a large educational source. This service includes more than 21 million of code hosts.

So let’s dive into our main concern i.e., 5 Reasons you should know Github :-

1. The Developer community:

GitHub is an exceptionally large platform where developer community collaborate and share their solutions to various spectrum of problems. There are hundreds of new ideas evolving daily. They share their experience and help others to solve the tough parts. You can even modify the uploaded contents and improve the repositories.

Just imagine how amazing the platform is where you can build a family of developers worldwide. I guess there isn’t any other huge community like GitHub.

2. Solution of almost every problem:

Whenever you are stuck with an error or lack of solution to a problem, the developer community of GitHub is always there to rescue you. GitHub has highest quality SEO, so that users can find any code located in public repositories. So that’s the other loving part of GitHub.

3. Error and bug fixing:

GitHub has a feature of bug tracking and fixing. It simplifies bug searches and fixing them accordingly. If there is any problem or bug in the code, the concerned developer just opens up the code and fix it and finally filters the information. It makes our life so much easier.

Moreover GitHub has a very interactive and convenient user interface which makes GitHub very popular among the developer community.

Github is easy to learn, easy to implement and its very fun to use its platform extensively.

4. GitHub’s convenient work procedure:

You can easily find your project. It is a huge platform having thousands of project repositories. You can search a project, download it, manipulate it and finally use it in your own project.

If you are facing any difficulties in that particular project you can raise concern and make groups to discuss about it.

In addition to that github shows the trending repositories by sorting them by days, months and months.

5. GitHub’s high compatibility:

Almost all the cloud services support and match github. Therefore any project located on this source code hosting can be customized for the github services within limited period of time.

So these are some of the reasons why every developer should learn GitHub rather he should know it. Its an amazing platform with lots of potential.

Finally happy coding folks.

Originally published at www.siliconbuddy.com on April 29, 2018.



Shamim Ahmed
Silicon Earth

Engineer @McKinsey & Co. Passionate developer who loves to code 👨🏻‍💻, learn, and share knowledge 🌎. LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/shamimio