Power of music in Programming

Shamim Ahmed
Silicon Earth
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2018

Programming is undoubtedly fun, full of possibilities, life changing experience. And when its the case of music and programming there are amazing plus points. We have listed some of the scientifically proven wonders of music and programming. Being a programmer its always amazing to deal with some of the most challenging tasks and discover the paths to solve them. Its always a happy encounter when you realize you are changing the lives of many someway or other with your logic and coding skills. Perhaps your application or the website is making revolutions.

But every programmer at some point of time suffers in frustration of error, complexities and logical lags. We surf the web seeking answers to our questions. But still sometimes our luck doesn’t support us. There comes the role of our several allies. Some of them are music, coffee, youtube, a phone call to your mom or the loved ones.

One of the most prominent ally always remains the music. It has been scientifically proven music can do wonders to us like:-

  1. Music strengthen Memory and Learning: Its the most essential thing every programmer seek while working on a project that frustrates him extensively.
  2. Music Reduces Pain: Its funny but gets a place in our note. Its definitely a fact and harsh reality that we face in our day to day life at least at some few occasions.
  3. Music improves your performance.
  4. Music lowers stress and improves health.
  5. Music elevates your mood while working.
  6. Music improves verbal intelligence.
  7. Music keeps your brain healthy.

But its generally better to avoid listening music while you learn any new new concept or a language. Because it might worsen your concentration. You can better rejoice your mood after your work is done.

Avoid listening to music for long hours because it makes your brain less efficient in thinking. It often results to headache or sometimes even insomnia.

Finally its an amazing creation and music can be life for many. But for programmers its always better to take benefits of the things that make our lives easier. Happy coding folks!

Originally published at www.siliconbuddy.com on May 26, 2018.



Shamim Ahmed
Silicon Earth

Engineer @McKinsey & Co. Passionate developer who loves to code 👨🏻‍💻, learn, and share knowledge 🌎. LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/shamimio