MKW MSB Pitch Night — May 2017

Athula Bogoda
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2017
Photo by Kody — @kodzitive

So we had an extra special Melbourne Silicon Beach Pitch Night as part of Melbourne Knowledge Week 2017 — #mkw17. It was at the magnificent Experimedia Room of The State Library of Victoria. A classic case of the past meeting the future.

See the amazing photos from our volunteer photographer, Kody, and his team.

And it was on May 4th. Yes, we had some “May the fourth be with you” remarks in the lead up to the event (May 4th is the Star Wars Day, in case you are wondering). We felt the force alright. The force of Melbourne’s startup community was upon us on the night.

We had just under 300 RSVPs on City of Melbourne’s MKW Eventbrite page. Their volunteers who kindly looked after the check-ins for us said just under 200 actually turned up on the night. This is a record, all the more significant considering the sheer number of MKW events on that same night in our City. ’tis the reason we call it the #MostLiveableStartupCity — in case you didn’t know, Melbourne is the most liveable city in the world, thank you very much ;).

Photo by Kody@kodzitive

There was more than just the usual networking and pitching going on in the room. MKW organisers put together a mini technology expo, giving our attendees a glimpse of the future. Silicon Beacher Cameron Leeson brought along a few of his drones for display. Cameron makes drones and hosts drone making workshops at his Brunswick-based maker lab, Make-Create. He would have flown them (he is a highly skilled drone pilot) but for the health & safety of all, the venue barred him from flying!

Then there were Virtual Reality artists along with 3D art displays. I went around livestreaming the displays on Periscope, in total darkness. The display area was darkened to show the illuminated art in their own light, so you will have to listen” to the video.

We will have the individual videos of pitchers as soon as they are edited. Thank you BuzzConf for videoing on the night. Till then, watch the livestream below.

Livestream off Periscope. See past streams on Silicon Beach TV

Welcome — Athula, Co-organiser: Events & Partnerships, MSB
04:12 Announcements — Alexar: Lead Event Host for MKW MSB
10:54 Adam Mostogl: Co-convenor, Launceston Silicon Beach, Co-founder Van Diemen Project & Co-work Launceston.
16:15 Rick co-founder BuzzConf
22:19 That Startup Show
24:30 Keynote — Adam Mostogl from Illuminate Education

Here are the links to our 90-second pitchers. Connect with them. And support them on the journey. They will, in turn, support your journey.

Click on the time link (mm:ss) to jump straight into that particular pitch.

37:40 Ravi from Adext. AI for social media.

38:58 Bruno from TeachingMe. A market place for students of all ages to find a teacher to teach them anything they want to learn. Read more about TeachingMe right here on SiliconNews.

41:58 Jordan from Jordan D’Urbano. Come to our special event Sales for Startups with Jordan. You’ll get insights on how to ‘sell’ your startup idea. Sales are the foundation of any startup. From raising funds from investors to getting your first batch of early adopters and even convincing co-founders to chip in with sweat equity. Tickets are limited, get ’em here.

43:26 Steve from Capability Builder. Replacing HR people and departments.

45:36 OJ from Peaple. Keep your neighbourhood safe with Peaple.

47:57 Nick from FanTipper. Making it easy to tip — your fav bartender, waiter, hotel, cafe, restaurant or even an event. Hmm…. we might use FanTipper in our events. Watch this space!

51:26 Andrew from Universal Reputations. Airbnb, Uber, eBay all need your online reputation, but it is all over the place. How do you build it, easily in one place? Glad you asked. Universal Reputations has the answer. Web site coming soon. Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn, till then.

53:23 Shaun from Emmerse. Learn a new language while reading your email. Genius!

54:59 Karthik from Ottam Lifestyle, getting people running, playing, working out with the help of Big Data. Website under construction. Karthik is looking for designers, developers, co-founders, influencers & mentors to get Ottam up and running… pardon the pun :)
Contact Karthik at

57:00 Bill from TwoSpace. Converts restaurants that are closed during the day into co-working spaces. Running 4 TwoSpaces in Sydney, opening in Melbourne soon. Affordable co-working from $169/month for Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm.

58:24 Josiah from Intertain. Brings best chefs in town to cook for you at home. Intertain is looking for chefs, customers and of course investors. Here’s what the interweb is saying about them — AFR, TWR.

1:00:04 Julia from Airgyms, a marketplace for fitness trainers and people who wanna get fit. Do it! Julia is looking for investors.

1:01:25 Alexar pitching for Paul from Antstand, a slim, lightweight, eco-friendly laptop stand that fits neatly inside your laptop sleeve. Paul’s own invention. Do try it.

ANTSTAND — The ultra portable laptop stand that fits in your laptop sleeve! Get it here.

1:02:04 Sam, CEO of Blockchain Global announcing a fully funded accelerator for startups using Blockchain technology.

This technology has the capacity to revolutionise the way online market places, sharing economy and much more. Uber, Airbnb etc are not true players in the sharing economy. We will soon announce events to introduce Blockchain technology to you, in partnership with Blockchain Global.

Blockchain Centre is Melbourne Silicon Beach’s primary co-working space.

1:05:09 Ben back again with a plug for a unique meetup, The Art of Bullshit. Check them out at here’s the showreel

Sounds like loads of fun!

If you are in Melbourne, see you at our next event. RSVP here. If not, let’s talk online. Join our Slack and say hi.

Till then …

Image courtesy of



Athula Bogoda

CEO : Silicon Beach Group, Lead Organiser: Melbourne Silicon Beach. Driving Australia to #2 startup nation in the world by 2025.