MSB Pitch Night June 2018

Athula Bogoda
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2018
From left to right Cullen & Bryan fine tuning our first ever live audio stream. Linda our magnificent MC doing her thing and Alex on the slide deck.

We had 218 RSVPs for our June MSB Pitch Night, out of which around 150 attended. Not bad at all considering the typically winter evening in Melbourne complete with chilly winds and occasional showers. As we race towards 10,000 members, it’s heartening to see increasing engagement – particularly from new members.

Over the coming months, we will be launching a number of new projects and events. Watch this space for details.

Join us on Slack to volunteer and sponsor us to help make it happen.

While we wait for the SiliconMedia team to work their magic on the official pitch videos, click below to view the Live Video Stream on Twitter (via Periscope). You don’t have to register with either of those services to watch it, but make sure you unmute the audio.

Please share with your networks.

SiliconMedia team ran a live audio stream of the night for the first time. You can listen here on our new website (in beta). Let us know if you encounter any bugs 🐛 🐜 🐞.

This will be added to SB Radio Podcast as a special episode. Subscribe to the podcast here on SoundCloud.

The Pitch List

Introduction by Linda from Simpatico, our magnificent MC for the night.

A shoutout to our Sponsors who make all of this possible.

Simbisa Law


01:30 Richard from Flexisource IT.

Know someone who would benefit from the publicity or would like to pay it forward to the Startup Community? Share our Sponsor Deck

90 second Pitches (pre booked)

07:30 Jake. Tremolo – find live music for best moments of your life.

09:25 Andrew. Universal Reputations – all your online ratings in one place

11:35 May. Wade Institute – Startup Weekend from Uni Melbourne.

13:05 Chris. Dado App – flexible business card for your phone.

14:45 Bradley. Capital Raising Masterclass. Use code: SB038495762 for 60% discount (valid till 2/7/2018). See below for more details.

16:38 Dan. Simpateco. On his journey with Silicon Beach.

90 second pitches (impromptu)

19:25 Harry ShopChat ?

21:12 Andreas. ?

23:25 Adam. AIII – AI algorithm marketplace.

26:15 Tony Aussie Culture Club (concept)

27:48 Kiki. TradeMatcher – find the best local tradie.

28:45 Phil. S Button – software for humans.

30:18 Candice. Elephant in the Boardroom – Digital Agency.

31:30 Athula. Lead Organiser (that’s me) calling for founders to volunteer & pay it forward. We need more founders in Team Silicon Beach ~ #EmpoweringFounders with only two founders on the Team, is hard.

Capital Raising for Startups – Masterclass

Online video course and preparation documents from Bradley Birchall.

To successfully raise capital you need knowledge, tools and a solid approach, this online video course will provide you with the tools you require to prepare the documents, find investors and pitch like a capital raising professional.

Special Coupon code for Silicon Beachers: SB038495762

The course is normally $999 this will bring it down to $399.

60% discount coupon expires on 2/7/2018 (so if you want to write this investment off next financial year, you can do so).

If you are even thinking about capital raising, checkout this event funded by LaunchVic – 7 Secrets to Success with Investors.

SiliconChats with Team Simpateco

Team Simpateco did their usual thing after the pitches. Here’s Linda having a number of #SiliconChats with the best of the pitchers. Her hubby, Dan was behind the camera (or should I say the phone). They are a shining example of a lean startup – just the phone and the two of them produce these little masterpieces.

Please help these brave founders on their journey. Share, like, retweet, comment as you think fit on LinkedIn, Twitter or wherever else that takes your fancy. Think what would you want if you were in their shoes 👞 👠? Oh, and don’t forget to tag your posts with the hashtag #EmpoweringFounders.

Our motto of #EmpoweringFounders should not be a hollow slogan not worth the pixels it occupies on your screen. Your help is needed to execute it.

Thank you 🙏🏽

See you somewhere on the Beach 🏖

Oh, don’t forget to RSVP to our July Pitch Night. We have over 50 RSVPs already. If you like to pitch, fill this form to book a spot.

Thanks to Team Silicon Beach.

Without you, none of this will be possible.

It takes a team to raise a community

It takes a community to raise a startup

It takes a community of startups to grow the eco-system

It takes a network of eco-systems to grow a startup nation

It takes a network of startup nations to change the world 🌎

Join us on the journey at our brand new Community Hub (in beta)



Athula Bogoda

CEO : Silicon Beach Group, Lead Organiser: Melbourne Silicon Beach. Driving Australia to #2 startup nation in the world by 2025.