MSB Pitch Night May 2018

Athula Bogoda
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2018

We had 176 RSVPs on our Meetup page. It was a windy day. Gale force winds stirring up leaves, dust and dirt in the unusually warm weather conditions we are experiencing in Melbourne this autumn. Global warming?

There were intermittent showers and to add to the chaos, a Toastmasters meeting was happening in the room downstairs blocking the usual entry to the stairs. Silicon Beachers had to navigate an obstacle course to get upstairs to the Heritage Room.

Despite all this, nearly 125 brave souls were mingling and getting ready hear and support our founders. We were amazed. You could say it was a gathering of true believers!

We had only 6 pitches pre-booked, but as is often the case, there were many impromptu pitches on the night.

Not only did we have good attendance, we had volunteer videographer turning up in response to our call out after last month’s Epic Fail with the video. Thanks Anton.

Here’s the superb Pitch Video from Anton. Please share with your networks.

I decided to give livestreaming on Periscope another go. Long timers will remember we used to livestream in the early days of Periscope. It was abandoned in favour of YouTube because most members viewed it only on replay and YouTube engagement was better for SEO. Periscope mostly attracted overseas viewers and trolls.

Now that we are scaling Silicon Beach around Australia, Periscope and Twitter could attract overseas investors, service providers and startups wanting to enter the Australian market. In fact, it’s already happening. If that’s the case we’ll learn to live with the trolls.

Here is the livestream. If you are on Twitter (it not, why not?) please share.

Details of the pitchers, links to their websites along with photos from our volunteer professional photographer Peter will be added here soon.

Not only that, Anton is cutting and chopping the main video to bite sized Pitch videos for each of the pitchers to share on social. This is going to go gangbusters. Watch this space.

Please take a few minutes to check out the beta version of Silicon Beach Oz website, launched on the night. You can click through to the events coming up on Meetup and RSVP.

Let us know on Slack if you spot any bugs.

See you somewhere on the Beach!



Athula Bogoda

CEO : Silicon Beach Group, Lead Organiser: Melbourne Silicon Beach. Driving Australia to #2 startup nation in the world by 2025.