How JavaScript Classes Work Under the Hood

For JavaScript Web Developers

Thon Ly
Silicon Wat University
3 min readOct 3, 2017


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The introduction of Classes to the JavaScript language substantially reduces the boilercode for creating Objects. Understandably, this can cause confusion for someone from a more “traditional” programming background. In JavaScript, classes are just syntactic sugar. Under the hood, they are still objects! Classes in the “classical” sense do not exist.

For example, a JavaScript class to create a Car now has this simple syntax:

To create a Tesla class that inherits from the Car class, the syntax is simply:

Unfortunately, such simplicity can conceal true understanding of the language. To understand what’s really happening under the hood, we will attempt to recreate the Tesla class that inherits from the Car class using only vanilla JavaScript.

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The Constructor is used to set properties of the object at the moment of instantiation. Although similar to other languages, in JavaScript however, this is just a function.

The new keyword is used as a special operator that returns a new object from executing the constructor function while making its this variable point to that new object.


Class Methods are also just functions in JavaScript. Though it’s possible to define method functions inside the constructor, it’s inefficient as every new object created from the constructor will have redundant copies of the method definitions. It’s more efficient to define method functions on the prototype property of the constructor, which exists for this very reason.

The new keyword also sets the new object’s __proto__ property to this prototype property. This way, calling a method on the new object is still possible even though it’s not directly on the object. The nature of JavaScript is such that the engine will keep looking up the __proto__ chain, even if it has to go all the way up to the root Object itself.


Moreover, JavaScript takes advantage of this prototype chain to create Inheritance. To make the Tesla class inherit from the Car class, first we define the Tesla constructor, making sure to call the Car’s constructor with its this context pointing to Tesla’s. This is equivalent to calling super().

Then, using Object.create(), we pass in Car’s prototype to return a new object with its __proto__ property assigned to it, pointing the returned object to Tesla’s prototype. For clarity, we also point Tesla’s prototype constructor to itself because JavaScript does not do this automatically. Finally, we can define the charge() method on the prototype.


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As you can see, whenever we make a class definition in JavaScript, a lot is happening under the hood! Although syntactically identical to the class signature of other languages, JavaScript classes are intrinsically different. “Classes” are still objects under the hood, and any object can inherit properties from any other object. Inheritance in this prototypal fashion is a lot simpler, and therefore, a lot more elegant in this author’s opinion.

