Podcast Episode 12: JavaScript Console

Season 3: One-Liner JavaScript Coding Challenge for Frontend Engineers

Silicon Wat
One-Liner Coding Challenge Podcast
2 min readMar 12, 2022


One-Liner Buddhist Quote of Week

You live most of your life inside your head. Make sure it’s a nice place to be.
— Buddha

This podcast episode corresponds to Chapter 2 of A Complete Frontend Developer Textbook for Beginners written by Thon Ly exclusively for Medium:

Episode 11: Hello World

All Episodes

One-Liner Challenge of the Week

In only one line of JavaScript code, do the following:

  1. Log to the Console the p tag.

For extra credit, try to also do the following in only one line of JavaScript code:

  1. Log to the Console just the text content inside the p tag.

This topic will be discussed in detail in Chapter 16. For now, you may use Google for help. Believe it or not, Googling is an important skill to have as a Software Engineer!


Solutions and Explanations

Feel free to fork my Codepen to work on your solutions. This coming Friday, I will go over the solutions and explanations. Good luck and thanks so much for tuning in this week!

Coming this Friday!

Episode 13: JavaScript Console (coming next Friday)

All Episodes

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