Stop the illegal pet trade of Slow Loris in Indonesia. Social media campaign

Silje Strabo
Silje Strabo
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2018

I recently noticed that they are in danger of extinction. I found it bought interesting and urgent to attract more attention on this case. That’s why I chose to put some effort in spreading the words about this situation


For this social media campaign, I chose to focus on the Slow Loris. I recently noticed that they are in danger of extinction. I found it bought interesting and urgent to attract more attention on this case. That’s why I chose to put some effort in spreading the words about this situation.

Context and Challenge

1. Project background and description

The purpose of this campaign is to expose and inform everybody about the illegal pet trade of Slow Loris in Indonesia. The problem is urgent due to the danger of Slow Loris going extinct. There is no timeline for this campaign due to the extent of this problem.

2. The problem

A lot of people don’t know the truth about the sufferings of the Slow Loris and the serious danger of their extinction. Most people have seen them across different social medias, but they have no clue about the brutality, they have to go through in the illegal pet trade which is the greatest threat to their survival. This campaign will expose the truth about the Slow Loris and hopefully end their suffering.

3. Project goals and objectives

The goals of this campaign is to make people aware of the Slow Loris and the huge danger of their extinction and encourage them to stop supporting the illegal trade by not liking and sharing different posts where they are treated as pets.

Process and Insight

Research shows that 1000 social media users have liked and shared the video where a Slow Lori pet is being tickled. I used that “famous” picture as an inspiration trying to illustrate that same Slow Lori trying to protect itself. Then it would be easier for the viewer to recognize the Slow Lori not being comfortable


The solution would be to inform people and encourage them to sign the pledge promising not to encourage or support the illegal pet trade of Slow Loris by sharing or liking anything that shows the Slow Loris as pets. Also to encourage them to spread the word about the International Animal Rescue Slow Loris rescue.


This campaign gives the more focus and attention to the illegal trade of Slow Loris. Hopefully it would inform people about the situation and make them stop encourage the



Silje Strabo
Silje Strabo
Editor for

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