New Charts and Visualization Types: Horizontal Bar, Area and Mosaics

Silk Stories
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2015

Over the past six months’s visualization engineers have added many new chart types and improved maps. Today we added two additional chart types and a new visualization to the mix: the horizontal bar and area charts, and the mosaic.

The new horizontal bar chart complements our existing vertical column chart. Both are excellent visualizations for comparing numerical values. Horizontal bar charts help you visualise large amounts of numeric data without having to be constrained by the width of your screen. This is better for mobile users. It’s also a better choice if your tag names are long and would drop down the X-axis on a vertical bar chart.

For example, see this embed on a Silk on California’s water footprint. This chart would be much harder to read as a vertical column chart:

Chart data from

The stacked area chart is similar to our stacked column chart. It shows proportions between values in data. While a stacked bar chart is better for showing proportions between values as a snapshot, a stacked area chart is mostly used for values developing over time. In the area chart below, we you can see how Asia’s emissions grow in comparison to Europe:

From — a data collection of greenhouse gas emission inventories.

Last but not least, we also added the mosaic to our growing collection of visualization options. The mosaic is like the grid but can many way more images in the same amount of space. This can come in handy when you want to display a collection of mugshots or something like the collection of coats of arms of the Americas you can see below.

Coats of Arms from— a collection of datacards about the different countries of the world.

For more information on these new visualizations, check out the updated chart and grid & mosaic help articles. As always, thanks for reading and please contact us with questions.

Originally published at



Silk Stories

Silk is a place to publish your data. Each Silk contains data on specific topics. You can browse a Silk to explore data and create interactive charts and maps.