
Open your windows to this rejected word

Avi Kotzer
Silly Little Dictionary!


Today’s New York Times Spelling Bee letters:

Art: Iva Reztok

G, I, N, P, T, U, and center M (all words must include M).

Merriam-Webster says…


Silly little dictionary! Don’t you know that muntin can’t possibly be a word if the New York Times says it ain’t?

For further fascinating facts, check out the Spelling Bee Master.

What’s your favorite dord* from today’s puzzle?

My Two Cents

Slim pickins from today’s list of rejected words. Some of them don’t show in a dictionary search (gummi, mugg), while others are verbs (nimming, tumpin) which are harder to write about. But muntin was there for the taking, so it got tooken.

Strip bars

Our friends at Merriam-Webster explain that muntin is an alteration of the French word montant meaning “vertical dividing bar or timber”. And that…



Avi Kotzer
Silly Little Dictionary!

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” ― Albert Einstein ▹ My column: