
A currency with an interesting name

Avi Kotzer
Silly Little Dictionary!


Photo by mulugeta wolde on Unsplash

Today’s New York Times Spelling Bee letters:

Art: Iva Reztok

A, G, I, K, L, N, and center F (all words must include F)

Merriam-Webster says…


Silly little dictionary! Don’t you know that nakfa can’t possibly be a word if The New York Times says it ain’t?

For a complete list of rejected words, check out the Spelling Bee Master.

What’s your favorite dord* from today’s puzzle?

My Two Cents

Countries give their currencies different names for different reasons. Some nations share the name of their monetary units. For example, the peso is used in several Latin American countries, as well as the Philippines. What they have in common is being former colonies of the Spanish Empire; the term peso translates to “weight”. Interestingly, many of these countries use the $ symbol for the peso, the same symbol used for the dollar.



Avi Kotzer
Silly Little Dictionary!

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