
A fabric, a town, and a man about town

Avi Kotzer
Silly Little Dictionary!


Photo by Dan Blackburn on Unsplash

Today’s New York Times Spelling Bee letters:

Art: Iva Reztok

A, G, I, M, N, R, and center W (all words must include W)

Merriam-Webster says…

Credit: merriam-webster.com

Silly little dictionary! Don’t you know that wigan can’t possibly be a word if the New York Times says it ain’t?

For further fascinating facts, check out the Spelling Bee Master.

What’s your favorite dord* from today’s puzzle?

My Two Cents

It’s Friday, which means we here at Silly Little Dictionary! attempt to use mild clickbait (acceptable per the old 1984 rules of Medium) to hook potential readers and reel them into to the depths of language that we cover only superficially in these articles.

Hence that picture of the cute pug at the top of today’s column. Why did that photo pop up when I keyed “wigan” into the search function of Unsplash? who knows… and who cares? I…



Avi Kotzer
Silly Little Dictionary!

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” ― Albert Einstein ▹ My column: https://medium.com/silly-little-dictionaryavionmedium@gmail.com