An Epiphany

Gary Walter
Silos of Isolation
Published in
1 min readJul 22, 2015

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!

It’s not me shining out and attracting attention, it’s God’s light.

Yesterday at the water park my family and I seemed to be getting special attention from the lifeguards. I attributed it to many things. eg; a dad who was present, older parents willing to participate in fun activities, and cute kids. I actually made the comment that I wish I’d gotten this kind of attention from these girls 40 years ago. Ha!

Then, this morning I remembered our prayer from yesterday. “Lord, please let your light shine from our family and let us make an impact on others.”

Jesus Calling

He was doing that, and I wasn’t giving Him credit. That is arrogant and self-centered.

I repent.



Gary Walter
Silos of Isolation

Ready, Willing, and Able... (also tweeting @Daddytude, @rescueandrelief and @EMSlegacy)