No Pane, No Gain: My Dog’s Freakin’ Chuckit Launcher

Heather Griffin
Silverpulse: Content Writing
2 min readAug 30, 2019


Son of a… (author photo)

My dog LOVES tennis balls; my back does NOT love the constant cycle of picking them up. Enter: the Chuckit Launcher.

Great idea, right? This 18-inch stick with a scoop at the end has been a Godsend. NOTHING beats the super happy, side-flopped tongue my girl displays at the end of play.

Here’s what else the Chuckit Launcher is good for:

· Surprise boob shots

· Accidental shin shots

· Taking out windows

The first time I used the launcher was at the shelter when we visited Mina. I thought I had this thing on lockdown. I loaded the ball. I cocked my arm back… and then proceeded to turn a harmless, lime-green ball into a weapon of mass destruction set straight for the adoption coordinator’s chest.

She laughed it off with, “It happens all the time.” She did a fantastic job at hiding her pain. What goes around comes around, though — especially with a Chuckit Launcher. I gots mine on Mina’s second day home, courtesy of my husband. I wore that bruise for a solid 2 weeks.

Then, shit got real.

My husband managed to take out the bottom pane of glass of our storm door. We don’t really use that door so we haven’t bothered to fix it. But I was like, seriously? I know these things are wild but come ON.

He’s pretty cute when he’s sheepish, so I let it slide.

Two days later, yours truly swallowed her exasperation. I took out our garage window. Our house was built in 1940. The porch and garage proudly display the original glass panes.

Well. Minus one, now.

Unless you’re looking to annihilate your windows in a blaze of glory before replacing them (or you’d like to repay your spouse for something they said last week), you should follow these CRUCIAL steps:

· Launch SIDEWAYS! Picture the swing of a tennis racket but with your wrist aimed upward. Stop short at 6 inches. Flick-launch!

· Err on the side of caution: AIM LOW.

· Honestly… these tips will only work half the time, so just pray.

Good luck!

(This is not an affiliate or promotional blog post for the Chuckit Company.)



Heather Griffin
Silverpulse: Content Writing

Ex-copywriter/blogger; flash & short fiction, haiku, free verse, prose.