Operation: All One Team

Heather Griffin
Silverpulse: Content Writing
2 min readJun 25, 2019
(Photo from client collection)

You’re withdrawing. You feel alone. You feel haunted. Sad. Maybe even angry. Some days are great, some are okay, and some are downright harrowing. You’re thinking, “It’s probably better I just keep this to myself,” right? Or, you’ve probably taken the chance to make a post to your feed, either to reach out for support or simply because it’s your Facebook feed, right? You can say what you want.

And you’ve probably found out that doesn’t always work out so well. Most people don’t understand the level of fallout carried within the heart and mind of a Veteran. They don’t understand that whether it’s been three months, a year, three years, or 30 years, fallout is fallout. Maybe your heartfelt post went by with no likes or love reacts to show support. Maybe it drummed up an argument that had nothing to do with your intentions. Maybe a joke didn’t go over so well. Maybe you wound up deleting the post entirely. Maybe that’s happened often enough that, once again, you’ve decided, “It’s probably better I just keep this to myself,” right…?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Enter: All One Team. This is a non-profit social media network support group created by Vets, for Vets.

Everything you’re used to is all here, from creating a profile and choosing a user picture, to making posts, to building a friend’s list. You can post about anything you want without having to worry about posting anything you need. AOT has even expanded post-reacts beyond what you’ll find on Facebook, so if you’ve read a post from a fellow Vet and you know there aren’t words, you can still show support accordingly. You’ll have access to Military oriented news, events, and other resources.

But one of the best parts? There’s a live chat that’s always available. So no matter what’s going on, you can reach out — and the more Veterans who become members, the better the chance is that there’ll always be someone available to listen, and the stronger your support system will become.

Joining is free. Although you can use your Facebook credentials to create your All One Team account, this isn’t mandatory. In fact, you might prefer to keep your Facebook entirely separate. Just use a valid email address and wait for your verification — it’s that simple. There is no cost, and no fees will jump out at you down the line. There is only one purpose to this social forum:

Veterans supporting Veterans, without static or fear of judgment.

Come and see what we’re about.

Originally written for client’s About page on Facebook. Archived as blog post Dec 2018: https://alloneteam.org/blogs/43/5/operation-all-one-team



Heather Griffin
Silverpulse: Content Writing

Ex-copywriter/blogger; flash & short fiction, haiku, free verse, prose.