Adding Silvertoken to Coinomi and Finding Your Ethereum Public Address

Silver Token
3 min readSep 21, 2018


There are many wallets available on the market today able to hold Silvertokens and each works in generally the same way. A digital wallet is merely a visually pleasing way to view and interact with a given blockchain. In Silvertoken’s case, the underlying blockchain is Ethereum and the type of wallet is an Ethereum ERC20 Wallet.

Today we will be focusing on the mobile wallet called Coinomi. This wallet is not only able to hold Ethereum tokens but also Bitcoin. Fortunately, Silvertoken is an Ethereum based token. Using the wallet is very simple and is great step in the direction of widespread adoption.

The main concepts you must understand are sending and receiving Silvertokens, as well as adding Silvertoken as a custom token to your wallet. Let’s begin!

Sending and Receiving Silvertokens (SLVT)

  1. Launch the Coinomi Application

2. Once the app has loaded, you will be brought to the home screen. From here, select the “menu” button in the top left corner of your screen.

3. Once the menu opens, select “Ethereum” to open your Ethereum Wallet.

4. Now, at the bottom of the screen you will see the word “Receive” select this option.

5. This will bring you to a screen that displays your Public Ethereum Address. This is the address you would give to someone to receive Silvertokens!

And that’s it! In the example above, the users Public Ethereum Address is 0x9CC5501D309F3BeBbFc22180eEafDaF62650e83B.

Adding the Silvertoken Smartcontract to Your Coinomi Wallet

  1. Silvertoken is a custom token and as such must be added to the wallet manually. To begin, launch the Coinomi App. Once launched, select the menu button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

2. Once the menu opens, select “+token”.

3. The next screen will give you an option of which wallet you would like to open. Select “Ethereum”

4. Once inside of your Ethereum Wallet you must select “Add Token Manually” located at the bottom of the screen.

5. The last and final screen is where you will actually add the information for Silvertoken. Once you have entered the information below, press the “Add Contract” button to finish adding Silvertoken.

Contract Address: 0xc63a7c297858eb81c49c7069e11f4189078130a5

Name: Silvertoken

Symbol: SLVT

Decimals: 8

And that’s it! Now you can send, receive and view your Silvertoken balance from the menu on the home screen.


It may seem a bit overwhelming and confusing at first, but stick with it and remember that you are way ahead the majority of people in learning about this newcutting edge technology! Any questions may asked on the Silvertoken Telegram Channel or by email at



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