February 2019 Update
“You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Marcus Aurelius
The only thing in which we truly control is our minds, that is, our actions, decisions and internal thoughts. We cannot control other people or things. Keeping this in mind may help one in leading a happy and more fulfilling life. But, what does this have to do with Silvertoken? As some of you may know, we were anticipating listing SLVT on OpenLedger DEX. Our team made all of the necessary updates to the SLVT code as requested by OpenLedger. We even had the code audited by a third party for any security vulnerabilities (more about this below). The process of getting listed with OpenLedger took months, despite being told it would only take a couple of weeks. It has been a little frustrating to say the least. And in the end, OpenLedger decided against listing Silvertoken because their legal team didn’t like our simple business model. Is that really the reason? It’s hard to say for sure. Some things are out of our control, but persistence will triumph in the end.
Smartcontracts Updated
As mentioned, we made several updates to the SLVT and SLVD smartcontract code. Among these have been the integration of MetaMask, the reduction of required gas to send SLVT/SLVD, and the ability to convert between SLVT and SLVD directly in the Silvertoken Purchase Portal on silvertoken.com.
Previously, if you sent Ether (ETH) to the SLVT smartcontract, you would receive SLVT in your wallet. The smartcontract now works differently. The new and improved way to purchase SLVT or SLVD, is by utilizing the “Payment Portal” on our website (silvertoken.com/purchase-portal.html). The Payment Portal launches MetaMask and creates a secure transaction to purchase SLVT or SLVD. Utilizing MetaMask is a more secure option and keeps the SLVT price updated when silver prices change.
Since the smartcontract has been updated and SilverDollar was also integrated, the SilverToken smartcontract address has changed. Our team has already distributed the updated SLVT to current holders. Be sure to add the new smartcontract address to your wallet to view your balance.
Check out the Purchase Portal, and let us know what you think!
Smartcontract Updates
Address : 0x652594082f97392a1703d80985ab575085f34a4e
Symbol: SLVT
Decimals : 8
Address: 0xdba8e8021fe321af91fc3a08e223ef15908cb2bb
Symbol: SLVD
Decimals: 8
SilverDollar (SLVD)
SilverDollar (SLVD) is our newest token designed for stability and daily use. The price of SLVD is always $1USD because each token is worth $1 of vaulted silver, making it simple to understand. We created SLVD to compete directly with other “fiat” stable tokens because we believe they have not solved the problem of fiat currency but instead just made the problem digital. The transaction fee for sending SLVD is lower than SLVT at .45%. The fee is primarily used equally to reward active traders. Additionally, the fee increases silver allocation to SLVT, making SLVT even more enticing to own. SLVD is perfect for active traders seeking a truly stable token or a reliable token for daily purchases.
What’s the difference?
Why do we need SilverToken (SLVT) and SilverDollar (SLVD)? Put simply, SLVT is silver and acts like your growing savings account as more silver is allocated to each token. SLVD is like a checking account where funds are frequently spent and deposited. SLVD is also simpler to understand since most of the world understands the value of $1USD. Determining the price of items priced in Bitcoin is a bit frustrating, but with SLVD it’s simply the price in dollars.
LevelK Security Audit
After updating some of the smartcontract code, we thought it would be a good idea to have a qualified third party evaluate our work. LevelK was more than qualified for the job. Having audited code for some of the most well-known companies within the industry, we felt confident in their review. Better yet, there were no flaws found in our code. Our team is proud of this positive review.
- SilverDollar (SLVD) was created, tested and is now available.
- SilverToken and SilverDollar both successfully passed a security audit.
- The Purchase Portal is now live, allowing the purchase and conversion of tokens.
- SilverToken and SilverDollar can be easily swapped back and forth.
- Our team has worked closely with two separate exchanges ensuring both tokens comply with exchange requirements.
What’s Next
- Complete listing SilverToken and Silverdollar on exchanges.
- Promote our “Ambassador Program” to help influencers market the tokens.
- Prepare for a rising silver market and a turbulent global economy.
- Update your Ethereum Wallet with the new SilverToken (SLVT) Smartcontract Address to view your balance.
- Want to see SLVT on a specific exchange? Let us know!
- There are many peer to peer exchanges where SLVT and SLVD can be traded directly from your wallet. Our focus is on the larger exchanges, but please let us know if you need assistance on these other exchanges.