Daily life habits managed with Silvia

Heesun Choi
Published in
6 min readMay 3, 2022

- You can manage your 5 daily life habits (sleeping, eating, exercise, mind control and drug administration) with Routine Program of ‘Silvia for you’.

- You need to have 7~8 hours of sleep a day to maintain your cognitive functions.

- You can prevent degradation of cognitive functions through securing of balanced mean, appropriate exercise, mind control and social interactions.

- If cerebrovascular blood flow is interfered due to high blood pressure, diabetes and/or hyperlipidemia, supply of oxygen and nutrients to brain harmoniously becomes difficult.

🔵 Routine Program of ‘Silvia for you’ provides management of 5 daily life habits.

🌘 First, sufficient sleep

- Sleeping too little or too much can degrade your cognitive functions.

- Research team of the Western University of Canada conducted research (2018) on correlation between sleeping hours and cognitive functions by analyzing more than 40,000 participants.

- As the result, the team published the **fact that 7~8 hours of sleep is correlated with the highest level of cognitive functions**.

- About half of the participants had 6.3 hours of sleep per day and displayed overall degradation in their cognitive capabilities.

- Meanwhile, sleeping more than 8 hours a day is found to induce degradation of cognitive functions as well.

- In particular, participants having less than 4 hours of sleep a day displayed cognitive functions similar to those of 8-year old children.

- Source: Dissociable effects of self-reported daily sleep duration on high-level cognitive abilities(2018)

🍚 Second, balanced meal

- Having balanced meal such as dietary habit of consuming abundance of food with plenty of proteins including fish, nuts, tofu and beans, etc., and fruits, vegetables and whole grain is necessary to sustain good cognitive health.

- Research team of Erasmus University of Netherlands conducted research (2018) on confirmation of the dietary habits and brain conditions of 4,213 subjects with average age of 66 years and without symptoms of dementia.

- to determine their dietary habit, a total of 389 types of foods were selected and how many of these were consumed for a month was monitored before scanning their brain under MRI.

- As the results, those who had higher dietary habit scores for having consumed a lot of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fishes, nuts and olive oil, etc. had larger brain volume than those with lower dietary habit scores for having consumed processed food extensively by 2㎖ on the average. According to the research team, brain volume is reduced by 3.6㎖ with 1 year of progress in aging. This is the result that excluded the influences of age, gender, educational level and smoking, etc.

- If cognitive functions degrade due to dementia, etc., there is trend of reduction in the brain volume. This research illustrated that shrinkage of brain can be prevented simply by improving dietary habits, thereby signifying that food provides direct assistance in the improvement of cognitive capabilities such as memory, etc. of elderlies.

- Source: Better diet quality relates to larger brain tissue volumes. *Neurology*, June 12, 2018; 90 (24)

- Research team of Neuro-degenerative Disease Center (DZNE) of Germany published research results (2021) that Mediterranean style diet can assist prevention of memory loss and prevention of dementia by preventing accumulation of amyloid beta* and tau protein**.

* Amyloid beta is a substance found in the brain of Alzheimer’s disease patients.

** Tau protein is classified as an important biomarker in pathological analysis as it is very closely related to Alzheimer.

- Mediterranean style diet includes sufficient consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, seafoods and olive oil while reducing consumption of red meat. This diet became highly popular globally when scientific finding that it imparts affirmative effect on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and suppression of aging was published. Recently, there has been publishing of research results that it is effective in prevention of dementia as well in recent years.

- The research team investigated the dietary habits of a total of 512 subjects (with average age of 69.5 years) composed of 169 with normal cognitive functions and 343 with high risk of manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease over a period of a month. It was published that as the results, those who adhered with Mediterranean style diet well displayed greater quantity of gray matter than those who did not regardless of whether they belonged to normal or Alzheimer’s disease risk groups (majority of cerebral nerve cells are gathered in the gray matter, thereby imparting direct effects on the cognitive functions such as memory, etc.).

- When the brain age is computed with the differences in the quantity of gray matter, it was possible to reach the conclusion that **aging progressed by about 1 year more for the brain of those who did not adhere to Mediterranean style diet well than those who did**.

- Source: Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers, and Brain Atrophy in Old Age(2021)

💪🏻 Third, appropriate exercise

- Appropriate exercise lowers the risk of manifestation of dementia.

- Research team of Laval University of Canada conducted research (2001) on 4,600 elderlies over the age of 65 years over a period of 5 years.

- The team published the results that probability of manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease and deterioration of mental functions drops if people exercise. It was found that those who exercise highly extensively has approximately 50% lower probability of manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease in comparison to those who do not exercise.

- The research team reported that there is almost no possibility of manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease if one exercises more than 3 times a week and that the possibility of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or deterioration of mental functions is reduced substantially even if one exercises less extensively.

- Source: Physical Activity and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Elderly Persons(2001)

🧘🏻 Fourth, peaceful mind

- It is necessary to put your mind at peace and participate in activities for social interaction.

- Situations in which gloomy state of mind, in particular, displaying symptoms of cognitive degradation due to depression, is referred to as ‘pseudodementia’. Its symptoms are similar to those of dementia to the extent of 4 out of 10 people visiting hospital thinking they have dementia are in fact pseudodementia patients.

- Most importantly, it is necessary to pay attention since the risk of manifestation of dementia increases due to drop in serotonin secretion and degradation in attentiveness if depressed and anxious state of mind is left unattended.

- On the other hand social activities nurtures resistance against brain damage and degradation of cognitive functions.

- By making 1~2 more friends, it is possible to reduce the risk of degradation in cognitive function by 30%. Furthermore, the risk of dementia is lowered by 15% for those who sees their family and friends at least once a month and by approximately 43% if they are met every day.

- Source: [Article in Sisa Journal of Korea on 2010.12.13, ”Prevention of dementia, depends on ‘how extensively the brain is used’”] (https://www.sisajournal.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=130870)

💊 Fifty, through drug administration

- 3 major chronic diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes and hyperlipidemia) can effect cerebrovascular blood flow.

- If there are interferences in the normal functioning of blood vessels in the brain, sufficient oxygen and nutrients cannot be supplied to the brain, thereby inducing brain damages and making harmonious discharging of toxic proteins accumulated in the brain difficult.

- Therefore, it is particularly important to manage underlying diseases and thoroughly take prescribed drugs as prescribed in order to maintain normal blood pressure, blood glucose and LDL cholesterol levels.

It could be difficult to remember and take care of all the items of recommended daily life habit management at first.

Gradually increase your completion rate by executing the items of your routine that can be accomplished day by day with priority!

You can make your brain healthier than before by putting in relatively minor efforts.

