Why is training of cognition necessary? Aging and neuroplasticity

Heesun Choi
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2022

- Brain volume begins to decrease continuously from the early 20’s.

- According to ‘neuroplasticity theory’, brain is capable of modifying its neural circuit and structural configurations on its own in order to adapt to new challenges and tasks.

- Accordingly, it is necessary to continuously stimulate brain even if you have entered the stage of middle age.

- Even if problems occur in a specific area of the brain due to aging, functions of such area can be performed by other area. Such active capability to cope with give situations is referred to as ‘cognitive reserve’.

🧠 Aging of brain

- Brain volume reaches the peak in early 20’s and gradually drops thereafter throughout life. Cerebral cortex and nerve cells (neurons) begin to shrink from the age of 40’s and the range of connection between the neurons also deteriorates markedly.

- Moreover, as the brain ages, cerebral blood flow drops along with degradation in blood circulation efficiency.

Then, is it not possible to prevent the degradation in cognitive functions arising from aging of brain?

Let’s find out why cognitive training is important through ‘neuroplasticity’ and ‘cognitive reserve theory’!

🧠 Neuroplasticity

- Neuroplasticity theory proves that ‘brain is capable of inducing modifications in neural circuit and structural configurations on its own. That is, our brain is equipped with ‘plasticity’ to modify neural connection channel in order to adapt to new challenges and tasks.

- Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the cerebral nerve cells to ceaselessly grow and change throughout one’s life by newly building up the existing neural network by new stimulation (learning and experiences, etc.).

- Here, the concept of ceaseless modification includes not only creation of new pathways through new connections but also strengthening of certain connections while certain other connections are being weakened.

- Therefore, even if nerve cells perish aging progresses, it is possible to anticipate sustainable changes by newly building up neural network. In particular, cognitive functions with possibility changes such as inference, working memory and visuospatial memory capabilities are closely related with neuroplasticity.

- Therefore, it is necessary to continuously stimulate brain as one enters the stage of middle age.

🧠 Cognitive reserve hypothesis

- Cognitive reserve is a concept based on brain plasticity and signifies that the brain actively copes with changes.

- From the perspective of the plasticity that brain changes in accordance with experiences and training, even if it is not possible to use a specific area of the brain due to aging, functions of such area can be performed by other area of the brain. Such capability of brain to actively cope with changes is referred to as ‘cognitive reserve’.

- As such, it is necessary to enhance cognitive reserve through continuous cognition training.

- Due to this capability of the brain to cope, that is, the cognitive reserve, you may not experience realistic problem in your cognition capabilities even if the brain ages. For example, when brain is observed neuropathologically, there may be no manifestation of dementia symptoms even if the brain is in dementia state as long as the cognition reserve is sufficiently high.

- Confirmation of the level of cognitive reserve of individuals is helpful in predicting the prognosis at the time of manifestation of dementia.

