Sh** happens. Especially in cybersecurity.

Nicolas Sonnet
Simbli speaking
Published in
8 min readJan 2, 2019


What’s got 4 wheels, allows you to drive at insane speeds and offers the guarantee that you will never (ever) get into any accident? No? The answer is simple: nothing at all. By stepping into a car, you don’t necessarily assume that you will get involved in an accident, but deep down you know that there’s always a chance it might happen. It’s like that in cyber security too. But for some reason, we tend to believe that some systems are 100% hack-proof.

Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

“Whether it’s your USB stick, laptop at home, your iPhone or your multi-million state-of-the art AI firewall, they all have one thing in common: they are vulnerable simply because they exist.”

Robot unicorns and cybersharks

It is known for a fact that a great number of security professionals, including myself, tend to be a bit cynical when it comes down to the overall safety of our private data. Some of us tend to become paranoid while others simply have learned to live with the undeniable fact that at some point we’ll encounter some of our data on the streets.

However, for the majority of us all, both techies and non-techies alike, there seems to be a common belief that there are systems out there…



Nicolas Sonnet
Simbli speaking

Information Security Officer during the day, one lab accident away from becoming a super villain at night. I mostly write about cyber security.