Best Vue developer tools for 2024

Streamlining Vue.js Development with the Best Tools Available

Simform Engineering
15 min readJun 13, 2024


Vue.js, often referred to simply as Vue, is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. Unlike monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library only focuses on the view layer, making it easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects.

Additionally, Vue can power sophisticated single-page applications (SPAs) when combined with modern tooling and supporting libraries.

Table of content

  1. Why Vue is emerging as a better technology.
  2. Top Vue development tools.
    2.1 Vue CLI
    2.2 Vite Press
    2.3 Vite
    2.4 Vue Router
    2.5 Vue Apollo
    2.6 Storybook
    2.7 Vitest
    2.8 Element UI

Why Vue is Emerging as a Better Technology

  1. Simplicity and Ease of Use: Vue’s learning curve is gentle, especially for developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Its clear and concise documentation and intuitive API make it accessible for beginners while being powerful enough for experienced developers.
  2. Incremental Adoption: One of Vue’s standout features is its flexibility. You can integrate Vue into an existing project for a small part of the interface or build an entire single-page application from scratch. This incremental approach allows teams to adopt Vue at their own pace.
  3. Performance: Vue is known for its fast rendering. Its virtual DOM implementation and efficient reactivity system ensure that updates are performed optimally, leading to high-performance applications.
  4. Rich Ecosystem and Community Support: Vue’s ecosystem includes Vue Router for routing, Vuex for state management, and a wide array of third-party plugins and components. The community is active and growing, contributing to a rich ecosystem that continually improves the framework.
  5. Corporate Adoption and Job Market: Companies like Alibaba, Xiaomi, and others have adopted Vue for their projects, indicating its reliability and robustness. The growing popularity also means an increasing demand for Vue developers, making it a valuable skill in the job market.
  6. Single File Components: Vue’s single file components (SFCs) encapsulate HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in a single file, promoting modularity and reusability. This approach streamlines the development process and ensures all relevant code is in one place.

The Top Vue Development Tools:

1) Vue CLI:

Vue CLI (Command Line Interface) is an essential tool for Vue.js developers, providing a streamlined and efficient way to scaffold, develop, and manage Vue projects.

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Here are some key benefits of using Vue CLI:

Project Scaffolding: Vue CLI makes it incredibly easy to create a new Vue project with a solid foundation. By running a single command, developers can generate a new project with all necessary configurations, allowing them to focus on development rather than setup. This includes setting up directories, installing dependencies, and configuring essential tools like Webpack and Babel.

vue create my-project

Standardization and Best Practices: Vue CLI helps enforce best practices and standard project structures, which can be especially useful for teams. It ensures that all projects adhere to a consistent format, making them easier to understand and maintain.

Extensibility with Plugins: One of the standout features of Vue CLI is its plugin system. Developers can easily add functionality to their projects through official and community plugins. Whether you need TypeScript support, PWA capabilities, or state management with Vuex, plugins can be added seamlessly.vue

vue add @vue/pwa

Graphical User Interface (GUI): Vue CLI provides a user-friendly GUI called Vue UI. This tool allows developers to manage projects, install plugins, and configure settings through a visual interface, making it accessible even to those who prefer not to use the command line.

vue ui

Environment Configuration: Vue CLI makes managing different environments (development, testing, production) straightforward. It supports environment variables out of the box, allowing developers to easily define different settings and configurations for each environment.

npm run serve  #For development 
npm run build #For production

Customization and Configuration: While Vue CLI provides sensible defaults, it also allows deep customization. Developers can “eject” the configuration if they need complete control over the setup. This flexibility is valuable for advanced users who need specific configurations.

Support for Modern JavaScript: Vue CLI supports the latest JavaScript features and syntax, ensuring developers can use modern coding practices. It integrates tools like Babel and ESLint to provide a robust development environment.

2. VitePress:

VitePress is a static site generator built on top of Vite, designed specifically for creating documentation sites with Vue. It combines the power and speed of Vite with the simplicity of a Markdown-based content structure. VitePress was developed by Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, ensuring deep integration with the Vue ecosystem.

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Key Features of VitePress

  1. Lightning-Fast Development: VitePress leverages Vite’s fast development server and hot module replacement (HMR), enabling an incredibly fast and smooth development experience. Changes made to your Markdown files or Vue components are instantly reflected in the browser.
  2. Markdown-Centric: VitePress allows you to write content in Markdown, making creating and managing documentation easy. It supports all the usual Markdown features and extensions specific to VitePress, such as custom containers and embedded Vue components.
  3. Vue-Powered: VitePress supports Vue components in Markdown files. This means you can enhance your documentation with interactive examples and dynamic content, making it more engaging and illustrative.
  4. Out-of-the-Box Theming: VitePress comes with a clean, responsive, and optimized default theme for documentation. It includes features like a sidebar, search functionality, and configurable navigation.
  5. Built-In Search: VitePress provides built-in search functionality powered by Fuse.js, allowing users to find the information they need within your documentation quickly.
  6. SEO-Friendly: Static sites generated by VitePress are SEO-friendly. The generated HTML can be easily crawled by search engines, improving the discoverability of your documentation.
  7. Configurable and Extensible: VitePress offers various configuration options and hooks to customize the site generation process. You can extend it with your own plugins or modify the default theme to better suit your needs.

Why Use VitePress?

VitePress is particularly useful for projects that require comprehensive and easy-to-navigate documentation. Here’s why it stands out:

  • Simplicity: The Markdown-centric approach makes writing and organizing content easy without dealing with complex build setups.
  • Performance: VitePress benefits from Vite’s fast bundling and HMR, ensuring a snappy development experience.
  • Vue Integration: The ability to use Vue components within Markdown means you can create interactive and dynamic documentation.
  • Modern Development: Built on top of Vite, VitePress leverages modern JavaScript features and best practices, ensuring a future-proof development environment.

3. Vite:

Vite, which means “fast” in French, is a modern build tool created by Evan You, the creator of Vue.js. It significantly improves the development experience for modern web projects and is particularly well-suited for Vue applications.

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Here are some reasons why Vite is an excellent choice for Vue development:

Instant Server Start: Vite’s development server starts almost instantly, even for large projects. This is because Vite uses native ES modules in the browser and leverages the speed of modern JavaScript engines, avoiding the need for bundling during development.

npx create-vite-app my-vue-app 

cd my-vue-app

npm install

npm run dev

Lightning-Fast Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Vite offers fast Hot Module Replacement (HMR), allowing developers to see their changes in the browser almost immediately. This improves the development workflow by reducing the waiting time for changes.

Optimized Build Process: Vite uses Rollup under the hood for production builds, ensuring the final build is optimized and efficient. Rollup’s tree-shaking capabilities help eliminate unused code, resulting in smaller and faster applications.

On-Demand Compilation: Vite compiles and serves source code only when the browser requests, significantly speeding up the initial load time. This contrasts with traditional bundlers that process the entire application upfront.

First-Class Support for Vue: Vite has been designed with Vue in mind, offering seamless integration with Vue’s Single File Components (SFCs). The official Vite plugin for Vue handles SFC compilation, ensuring smooth and efficient development.

npm install @vitejs/plugin-vue

ESM-Based Development: Vite leverages native ES module imports during development, which modern browsers support natively. This means no bundling is required during development, leading to faster startup times and improved performance.

Flexible and Extensible: Vite’s plugin system is highly flexible and allows developers to extend its functionality easily. This modular architecture enables the integration of various tools and libraries, catering to specific project needs.

Built-in Optimizations: Vite includes many built-in optimizations, such as pre-bundling dependencies with esbuild, which is significantly faster than traditional bundlers. This reduces the time taken to resolve and bundle dependencies.

Support for Modern JavaScript Features: Vite supports the latest JavaScript features out of the box, ensuring that developers can use modern syntax and capabilities without additional configuration.

4) Vue Router:

Vue Router is the official routing library for Vue.js. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with Vue to build single-page applications (SPAs) with navigation and dynamic content. It provides the necessary infrastructure to map routes to components, manage navigation, and create a more engaging and interactive user experience.

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Key Features of Vue Router:

Dynamic Routing: Vue Router allows you to define routes dynamically based on your application’s requirements. You can create nested routes, named routes, and even catch-all routes for handling 404 errors.

const routes = [
path: '/', component: Home
path: '/about', component: About
path: '/user/:id', component: User
path: '*', component: NotFound

Nested Routes: Vue Router supports nested routes, enabling you to hierarchize your application. This is useful for creating complex layouts with nested views.

const routes = [
path: '/user/:id',
component: User,
children: [
path: 'profile',
component: UserProfile
path: 'posts',
component: UserPosts

Navigation Guards: Navigation guards are versatile tools Vue Router provides for controlling route access. They can be used to perform checks or trigger actions before entering or leaving a route.

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// Perform some logic before navigation

Programmatic Navigation: Vue Router allows for programmatic navigation, giving you control to navigate to different routes within your code based on specific conditions or events.


Route Meta Fields: Route meta fields provide a way to attach custom data to routes. This can be useful for features like route-specific permissions or metadata for dynamic rendering.

const routes = [
path: '/admin',
component: Admin,
meta: {
requiresAuth: true

History Mode: By default, Vue Router uses the hash mode for routing, which is compatible with all browsers. However, it also supports HTML5 history mode, which leverages the history.pushState API for cleaner URLs.

const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(), routes });

Vue Router is an indispensable tool for building Vue.js applications. It provides robust routing capabilities and a seamless user experience. Its integration with Vue, comprehensive features, and ease of use make it the best choice for managing navigation in single-page applications. Developers can create dynamic and user-friendly applications with minimal effort by adopting Vue Router.

For more detailed information and guides, you can visit the official Vue Router documentation.

5) Vue Apollo:

Vue Apollo is an official integration for using Apollo Client with Vue.js, making it easier to work with GraphQL in Vue applications. Apollo Client is a popular GraphQL client that helps manage data fetching, caching, and state management in a seamless manner. By integrating Vue Apollo, developers can leverage the power of GraphQL while enjoying the reactive and component-based architecture of Vue.

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Key Features of Vue Apollo:

Declarative Data Fetching: With Vue Apollo, you can declaratively fetch data using GraphQL queries and mutations directly within your Vue components. This simplifies the process of managing data fetching logic and keeping your UI in sync with your data.

import gql from 'graphql-tag';

export default {
apollo: {
user: {
query: gql`
query getUser($id: ID!) {
user(id: $id) {
variables() {
return {
id: this.userId,
data() {
return {
userId: '1',

Reactive Data Updates: Apollo Client’s caching mechanism automatically updates your UI when the underlying data changes. This ensures that your components always display the latest data without needing manual updates.

Handling Mutations: Vue Apollo makes it easy to perform GraphQL mutations to update data. The integration handles updating the local cache automatically, reducing boilerplate code and potential errors.

methods: {
async updateUser() {
const result = await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: gql`
mutation updateUser($id: ID!, $name: String!) {
updateUser(id: $id, name: $name) {
variables: {
id: this.userId,
name: this.userName,

Subscriptions: Apollo Client supports GraphQL subscriptions, enabling real-time updates in your Vue application. This is particularly useful for features like live comments, notifications, or any real-time data updates.

apollo: {
comments: {
query: gql`
subscription onCommentAdded($postId: ID!) {
commentAdded(postId: $postId) {
variables() {
return {
postId: this.postId,

Flexible Configuration: Vue Apollo allows for extensive configuration and customization. You can set up error handling, loading states, and more to provide a polished user experience.

import gql from 'graphql-tag';

export default {
apollo: {
user: {
query: gql`
query getUser($id: ID!) {
user(id: $id) {
loadingKey: 'loading',
errorPolicy: 'all',
data() {
return {
loading: false,

Vue Apollo provides a robust and efficient way to integrate GraphQL with Vue.js, enhancing your ability to manage data and create interactive, real-time applications. Its seamless integration with Vue’s reactive system and Apollo Client’s powerful features make it an essential tool for modern web development.

For more detailed information and guides, you can visit the official Vue Apollo documentation.

6) Storybook:

Vue Storybook is an open-source tool that allows developers to build, test, and showcase UI components in isolation. It provides a development environment for UI components, making it easier to develop and maintain consistent, reusable components. Storybook is particularly useful for creating component libraries, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring UI quality across an application.

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Key Features of Vue Storybook:

Component Isolation: Vue Storybook allows you to develop and test components in isolation from your main application. This means you can focus on a single component at a time, ensuring it works correctly before integrating it into the larger codebase.

Interactive Component Explorer: Storybook provides an interactive UI where you can browse and interact with all the components in your project. This explorer helps you see how components behave in different states and with various inputs.

Add-ons and Plugins: Storybook has a rich ecosystem of add-ons that extend its functionality. These include tools for accessibility testing, responsive design, documentation, and more.

Live Reloading and Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Storybook supports live reloading and HMR, allowing you to see changes to your components in real-time as you develop them.

Documentation: With Storybook, you can create comprehensive documentation for your components, including usage examples, prop tables, and interactive controls. This documentation is invaluable for both developers and designers.

Snapshot Testing: Storybook integrates with tools like Jest for snapshot testing, enabling you to capture the rendered output of components and compare them over time to detect unexpected changes.

Accessibility Testing: Storybook includes add-ons for accessibility testing, helping you ensure that your components meet accessibility standards.

Vue Storybook is a powerful tool for developing, testing, and documenting Vue components. Its ability to isolate components, combined with a rich ecosystem of add-ons, makes it an essential part of modern frontend development workflows. By integrating Storybook into your Vue projects, you can enhance collaboration, improve component quality, and create a more efficient development process.

For more detailed information and guides, you can visit the official Storybook documentation.

7) Vitest:

Vitest is a blazing-fast unit testing framework built by the team behind Vite. It is designed to be a “Vite-native” testing framework, leveraging Vite’s speed and configuration to provide a seamless and efficient testing experience for modern JavaScript applications, especially those using Vue.js.

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Key Features of Vitest:

Speed and Performance: Vitest is optimized for speed, benefiting from Vite’s fast development server and HMR (Hot Module Replacement). This results in quick test runs, which significantly improves the development workflow.

Vite Integration: Vitest integrates deeply with Vite, making it simple to set up and configure. It automatically uses Vite’s configuration, which means less setup and fewer configuration files to manage.

TypeScript Support: Vitest has excellent TypeScript support out of the box. This is essential for modern web development, where TypeScript is commonly used to enhance code quality and developer experience.

Snapshot Testing: Similar to Jest, Vitest supports snapshot testing. This allows developers to capture the rendered output of components and ensure they do not change unexpectedly over time.

First-Class Vue Support: Vitest is designed with Vue in mind, offering excellent support for testing Vue components. It works seamlessly with Vue’s Composition API and other modern Vue features.

Why Use Vitest with Vue?

Performance: Vitest’s speed, derived from Vite’s architecture, ensures that tests run quickly, which is crucial for maintaining developer productivity, especially in large projects.

Seamless Configuration: Vitest’s seamless integration with Vite requires minimal configuration. This reduces the setup time and ensures the testing environment is in sync with the development environment.

Modern JavaScript Support: With built-in support for ES modules, TypeScript, and other modern JavaScript features, Vitest ensures you can use the latest language features without additional configuration.

Vue-Specific Features: Vitest is designed to work perfectly with Vue, including support for testing Vue components, the Composition API, and other Vue-specific features.

Vitest offers a modern, fast, and integrated testing solution for Vue applications. Its close integration with Vite, excellent performance, and support for modern JavaScript features make it an ideal choice for developers looking to maintain high-quality standards in their Vue projects. By using Vitest, developers can enjoy a smooth testing experience with minimal setup and maximum efficiency.

For more detailed information and guides, you can visit the official Vitest documentation.

8) Element UI:

Element UI is a widely-used Vue 2-based UI component library developed by ElemeFE. It provides a comprehensive set of UI components designed to build beautiful, consistent, and efficient user interfaces. While initially built for Vue 2, Element Plus is the updated version supporting Vue 3, ensuring compatibility with the latest version of Vue.

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Key Features of Element UI:

Rich Set of Components: Element UI offers a vast array of components, including form controls, data displays, navigation components, and more. This makes it easy to create complex user interfaces with minimal effort.

Customizable Themes: The library allows for extensive customization through its theme system. Developers can adjust the appearance of components to match the branding and design requirements of their applications.

Responsive Design: Element UI components are designed to be responsive, ensuring that applications look good on all screen sizes and devices.

Ease of Use: The library is known for its user-friendly API and detailed documentation, making it easy for developers to integrate and use the components effectively.

Why Use Element UI with Vue?

Comprehensive Component Library: Element UI provides all the essential components needed for modern web applications, reducing the need for custom implementations and third-party libraries.

Consistency and Design Quality: The library’s components are designed to be visually consistent and adhere to good design principles, resulting in a polished and professional-looking UI.

Productivity and Efficiency: With ready-to-use components and detailed documentation, Element UI significantly reduces development time and effort, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than UI elements.

Community and Support: Element UI has a large and active community, providing ample resources, tutorials, and support for developers. This ensures that you can find help and solutions to any issues that may arise.

Element UI (and Element Plus for Vue 3) is a robust and versatile UI component library that enhances the development of Vue applications. Its rich set of components, ease of customization, and comprehensive documentation make it an excellent choice for developers looking to build professional and consistent user interfaces.

For more detailed information and guides, you can visit the official Element Plus documentation.


In 2024, the Vue.js ecosystem continues to thrive with an array of powerful tools designed to streamline development and enhance productivity. Some other tools that can be used to enhance development are Nuxt.js, Quasar Framework, Pinia, Vuetify and many more.

These tools not only enhance the development experience but also ensure that Vue.js applications are robust, scalable, and maintainable. Whether you’re starting a new project or looking to optimize an existing one, these top Vue developer tools are indispensable for your toolkit in 2024.

For more updates on the latest tools and technologies, follow the Simform Engineering blog.

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