Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD in Practice with AWS CDK

Adit Modi
Simform Engineering
6 min readDec 29, 2023

A beginner-friendly journey into AWS CDK implementation and automation

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are pivotal aspects of cloud development, ensuring agility, scalability, and reliability. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the practical implementation of AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and its seamless integration into CI/CD pipelines. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just getting started, this blog will empower you to harness the full potential of AWS CDK for efficient infrastructure management.

Unpacking the magic of AWS CDK

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s demystify the key players: Infrastructure as Code (IaC), AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Building with Blueprints

Imagine you’re building with Lego blocks. IaC is like having super-clear blueprints for your Lego masterpiece. It helps you create, modify, and manage your digital inventory (like servers and databases) using simple instructions written in a language you can easily understand.

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK): Your Digital Helper

Meet AWS CDK, your reliable digital helper. It’s like a toolbox that makes building cloud apps super simple. Instead of dealing with tricky commands, you get to use familiar languages (like JavaScript or Python) to let your digital helper know what you want. It’s like putting together Lego bricks using your favorite language!

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Your Friendly Crew

Think of CI/CD as your friendly crew. They ensure any changes or updates to your digital assets happen smoothly, with no fuss. Just like a team of friends working together, CI/CD practices ensure your creations are always up-to-date and ready for action.

Now that we’ve got our tools in place, let’s dive into the fun part: making things happen with AWS CDK!


Before we start, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Node.js and npm installed
  • AWS CDK Toolkit installed globally via npm install -g aws-cdk
  • AWS CLI configured with appropriate credentials


Now, let’s get into the practicalities. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step implementation guide accompanied by examples and strategies to make the most out of AWS CDK in your development journey.

1. Setting up the development environment:

  • Node.js and npm Installation: Begin by installing Node.js and npm on your machine. These tools are essential for running JavaScript applications, including AWS CDK projects.
  • AWS CDK Toolkit Installation: Once Node.js and npm are installed, globally install the AWS CDK Toolkit using the command npm install -g aws-cdk. This toolkit provides the necessary commands for managing CDK applications.
  • AWS CLI Configuration: Configure the AWS CLI with appropriate credentials. This step ensures seamless communication between your local environment and AWS services.

2. Initializing a CDK project:

  • Creating a New Project Directory: Organize your work by creating a dedicated directory for your AWS CDK project.
  • Initializing a CDK Project: Navigate to the project directory and initialize a CDK project using TypeScript with the command cdk init app -language=typescript. This sets up a basic project structure and essential configurations.

3. Defining AWS resources in CDK:

  • Creating a Stack File: Inside the lib folder, create a TypeScript file (e.g., s3-stack.ts) to define your AWS resources.
  • Importing CDK Modules: In the stack file, import the necessary CDK modules, such as cdk and s3.
  • Defining Resources: Define a class that extends cdk.Stack and declare your AWS resources within the constructor. For example, create an S3 bucket with versioning and a specified removal policy.
 import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';

Define a class extending `cdk.Stack` and within the constructor, declare an S3 bucket:

export class S3Stack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);

new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyAppBucket', {
versioned: true,
removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,

Here, `MyAppBucket` is an S3 bucket with versioning enabled and set to be removed when the stack is deleted.

4. Deploying the stack:

  • Running Deployment Command: Execute cdk deploy in the terminal to deploy the stack. This command synthesizes a CloudFormation template based on your CDK code and deploys the defined AWS resources.
  • Template Synthesis: Understand how the cdk deploy command synthesizes a CloudFormation template, a crucial aspect of deploying infrastructure as code.
cdk deploy in action.
cloud formation template containing CDK app details.

5. Implementing CI/CD with AWS CDK:

  • Creating a CodePipeline: Navigate to the AWS Management Console and create a new pipeline in AWS CodePipeline. Connect it to your AWS CodeCommit repository, which contains your CDK project.
  • CodeBuild Configuration: Specify build commands in the buildspec.yml file of your CDK project. This includes installing dependencies, building the project, synthesizing the CloudFormation template, and deploying the stack using cdk deploy.
version: 0.2
- npm install
- npm run build
- cdk synth
- cdk deploy - require-approval never

This configuration installs dependencies, builds the CDK project, synthesizes the CloudFormation template, and deploys the stack.

  • IAM Role Configuration: Ensure the IAM role used by AWS CodeBuild has the necessary permissions to interact with AWS CDK and deploy resources via CloudFormation.
  • Pipeline Triggering: Understand that any push to the connected CodeCommit repository automatically triggers the CI/CD pipeline. The pipeline runs the defined build commands, deploying your infrastructure as specified in the CDK project.

6. Monitoring, best practices, and advanced CI/CD strategies:

  • Integration with AWS CloudWatch: Enhance your infrastructure monitoring by integrating AWS CloudWatch. Learn how to create a CloudWatch log group in AWS CDK and associate it with specific resources, such as a Lambda function.
// Add CloudWatch logging to your CDK resources
const logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'MyLogGroup', {
logGroupName: '/aws/lambda/my-lambda-function',
myLambdaFunction.addEnvironment('LOG_GROUP_NAME', logGroup.logGroupName);

This code snippet demonstrates how to create a CloudWatch log group in AWS CDK and associate it with a Lambda function.

  • Setting Up Alerts: Implement logging and alerts for your CI/CD pipeline using CloudWatch Alarms. This allows you to quickly identify and address issues, ensuring the reliability of your deployment process.
const errorAlarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'ErrorAlarm', {
metric: logGroup.metric('ErrorMetric', {
statistic: 'sum',
period: cdk.Duration.minutes(1),
threshold: 1,
evaluationPeriods: 1,

This snippet creates an alarm based on a specific metric, such as errors, from the log group.

  • Best Practices: Regularly review and update IAM policies to adhere to the principle of least privilege. Explore parameterization in CDK to efficiently manage different environments (dev, staging, prod).
const environment = new cdk.Environment({
account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,
region: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION,
const devStack = new MyStack(app, 'DevStack', { env: environment, isProd: false });
const prodStack = new MyStack(app, 'ProdStack', { env: environment, isProd: true });

This example shows how to use environment variables for managing different environments in AWS CDK.

  • Advanced CI/CD Strategies: Leverage advanced strategies such as using feature branches for testing individual features, implementing blue-green or canary deployments for critical updates, and exploring AWS CDK pipelines for a simplified setup of complex CI/CD pipelines.
const blueGreenDeployment = new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, 'DeploymentGroup', {
deploymentConfig: codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10_PERCENT_EVERY_1_MINUTE,

This snippet sets up a Lambda function deployment group for blue-green deployments with AWS CodeDeploy.


Using AWS CDK for Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD is like having a powerful tool to manage and deploy your digital assets on Amazon Web Services easily. This guide is filled with easy examples and cool tricks to help teams handle the tricky parts of cloud apps. With AWS CDK, you can make your development smoother, keep things consistent when deploying, and spark some innovation in your cloud projects.

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Adit Modi
Simform Engineering

AWS Ambassador | AWS Community Builder | 12x AWS Certified