Efficient Optimization Strategies for Handling Large Datasets

Vinda Yash
Simform Engineering
6 min readSep 29, 2023

Unlock the Potential of Large Data: Tips for Swift Updates, Batch Deletions, and NoSQL Optimization.

Today, organizations are collecting huge amounts of data quickly. They deal with various data types, like user info, customer transactions, and sensor readings. This article discusses the importance of managing large data sets efficiently and offers strategies for tasks like updates and deletions.

Understanding Efficient Data Handling

  1. Performance Optimization: Dealing with large data sets can slow down systems, causing delays in processing queries and inefficient resource use. By improving data handling, organizations can access valuable insights more quickly.
  2. Cost Reduction: Inefficient data management strains computational resources, leading to increased costs for hardware and infrastructure. Streamlining data operations can reduce expenses related to storage, processing power, and maintenance.
  3. Data Integrity and Consistency: When handling extensive data, maintaining data integrity and consistency is vital. Inefficient practices can introduce errors, data duplication, or inconsistencies, which can result in inaccurate analyses and decisions. Efficient data management ensures accurate and reliable information.

Updating large datasets efficiently is crucial for maintaining data accuracy and ensuring optimal performance.

Techniques to Streamline the Process

1. Data Partitioning

Instead of updating one row at a time, divide your data into chunks and update them together. This reduces the number of database calls when working with individual records and lowers the risk of errors when updating all rows in a single database call.

2. Index Optimization

Efficient indexing is vital for speedy updates. Review and optimize your indexes based on the update patterns of your dataset.

3. Utilize Bulk Operations

Many databases offer bulk update features for handling large datasets efficiently. For example, SQL databases have “Bulk Insert” or “Bulk Update” statements that can significantly speed up mass updates. These operations are optimized for handling large data volumes, improving performance.

4. Parallel Processing

Enhance update performance for large datasets by using parallel processing techniques. Split your dataset into smaller parts and distribute update operations across multiple processing units or nodes. You can achieve parallel execution using technologies like distributed databases, multiprocessing, or multithreading, depending on your specific environment.

Data Update Scenarios

Let’s say you have 1 million records and need to add value to all of them. You can speed up the process by dividing the task into batches of 10,000 records each. This method is more efficient and cost-effective than using a single query to update all the rows.

To update data in batches with an integer primary key, you can use the following pseudocode:

minimum_valye_of_primary_key = 0
maximum_value_of_primary_key = 10000

While maximum_value_of_primary_key <= 1000000:
UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = new_value
WHERE primary_key > minimum_value_of_primary_key AND primary_key ≤ maximum_value_of_primary_key;

minimum_value_of_primary_key = maximumvalue_of_primary_key + 1
maximum_value_of_primary_key = maximum_value_of_primary_key + 10000

As shown above, updating 1 million records in batches of 10,000 is more efficient than updating all 1 million records at once.

Now, if you only need to update specific values, like rows with ‘INDIA’ in the country field, you can use the following SQL query:

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = new_value
WHERE Country = 'INDIA';

While this query is faster as it updates only 0.1 million rows that meet the condition, it still searches the entire 1 million data entries. You can apply batch updates in such scenarios as well, where data is searched and updated in batches.

UPDATE your_table_name
SET price = 200
WHERE country = 'India' AND id BETWEEN minimum_value_of_primary_key AND maximum_value_of_primary_key;

By executing the SQL query within a while loop and adjusting the values of minimum_value_of_primary_key and maximum_value_of_primary_key, you can perform updates in batches.

These techniques work best when the primary key field consists of integer values. Additionally, some databases offer bulk update operations that allow you to update different columns in different rows, which can be handy for more complex updates.

Data Deletion Scenarios

Efficiently delete data in batches where the primary key is an integer. Here’s a simplified example of pseudo-code:

minimum_valye_of_primary_key = 0
maximum_value_of_primary_key = 10000

While maximum_value_of_primary_key <= 1000000:
DELETE from table_name
WHERE primary_key > minimum_value_of_primary_key AND primary_key ≤ maximum_value_of_primary_key;

minimum_value_of_primary_key = maximumvalue_of_primary_key + 1
maximum_value_of_primary_key = maximum_value_of_primary_key + 10000

In the pseudo-code above, you can see that deleting 1 million data entries in batches of 10,000 is more efficient than deleting all 1 million data in one go.

Datasets with Indexing

The Updates and deletion of data may take a longer time to execute if the updates/deletions are done on columns that are selected for indexing.

Let’s say we have a table with five columns.

id: integer primary_key
name: varchar
designation: varchar (Indexing applied)
address: varchar
contact: varchar

As you can see, column designation is used for indexing. Now, if we try to update the value for column designation for a million data entries, it will take a large amount of time as indexes saved will also be updated according to the changes, increasing the query operation time.

While indexes are crucial for efficient data retrieval, they can indeed hinder data updates and deletions.

To address this, it’s a good practice to apply indexes to columns that don’t change frequently and have limited distinct values.

For instance, it’s less advisable to index a column like “name” because it can have many different values, which would expand the index table. Instead, consider indexing columns like “department” since they typically have repetitive values in most rows, making it a more practical choice for indexing.

Why Should You Choose NoSQL for Handling Large Data?

NoSQL databases are preferred for managing large datasets for several reasons:

  1. Scalability: NoSQL databases are designed for horizontal scaling, so you can easily handle increasing data volumes by adding more servers or nodes.
  2. Flexibility: NoSQL databases can store and manage diverse data types and structures, allowing you to adapt your data storage to specific needs.
  3. High Performance: NoSQL databases often offer high read and write throughput, enabling fast data retrieval and updates.

Now, let’s explore efficient strategies for managing large data in NoSQL:

1. Data Modeling

Efficient data management starts with proper data modelling. Carefully design your data schema, considering how your application interacts with the data. In NoSQL databases, this often involves denormalizing data to reduce join operations and enhance reading efficiency.

2. Sharding

Sharding means splitting your dataset into smaller pieces called shards, each stored on a separate server or node. Sharding can greatly boost both write and read performance by distributing the workload across multiple resources. However, it requires thorough planning and an understanding of your data access patterns.

3. Indexing

Indexing is crucial for quick data retrieval. Create appropriate indexes for the fields you frequently query or filter. Be mindful of the trade-off between read and write performance when adding indexes, as they can increase write latency.

Indexing can also make data and query updations faster in a NoSQL database like MongoDB, if used correctly.

Suppose we have added indexes on the field employee_id.

{ name: "Yash Vinda" }, // Filter to identify the employee
{ $set: { employee_id: 65 }} // Update the employee_id field

The above query will take time to execute as we have not used indexing on the field name, but it can be faster if we use a query with employee_id instead of name.

{ employee_id: 64}, // Filter to identify the employee
{ $set: { employee_id: 65}} // Update the employee_id field

Both queries mentioned above will still take time when actually updating the values of “employee_id” because indexes also need to be updated for new values. However, if you’re only updating fields without any index and are filtering based on indexed fields, updates will be much faster. You can see the example below for clarification.

{ employee_id: 64},
{ $set: { name: "New Employee Name"}}

4. Batch Processing

For bulk data updates, consider batch processing. Instead of doing updates one by one, you can bundle them together and apply them in one go. This approach minimizes the extra work involved in handling numerous small transactions. You can utilize Batch Create, Batch Update, and Batch Delete operations.

Example of Batch Insert in MongoDB:

db.EmployeeCollection.insertMany([  { EmployeeName: 'Yash Vinda', Department: 'Python'},  { EmployeeName: 'Mitul Rathod', Department: 'HR'}]);

Example of Batch Update in MongoDB:

{ Country: 'India' },
{ City: "Ahmedabad" }

Example of Batch Delete in MongoDB:

{ Department: 'India' },

5. Caching

Use caching tools like Redis or Memcached to ease the burden on your NoSQL database. These tools store frequently used data in memory, offering quick access and reducing the workload on your database.

Wrapping Up

Effectively handling large data in NoSQL databases involves smart data modelling, efficient indexing, well-planned sharding, and ongoing monitoring. By applying these best practices and monitoring your database’s performance, you can make the most of NoSQL for managing extensive datasets, ensuring your applications run smoothly and scale effectively.

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Remember to choose your database wisely.

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