Navigating the Landscape of Industrial IoT: Developing an AWS Greengrass OPC UA Component

Ishit Desai
Simform Engineering
4 min readMay 13, 2024

Develop an AWS Greengrass OPC UA component to unravel the complexities of Industrial IoT.

In the dynamic Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) realm, cutting-edge technologies reshape how industrial processes are orchestrated and optimized.

AWS Greengrass, a transformative platform, extends cloud capabilities to enhance edge device configuration, facilitating real-time data processing and analysis.

This blog explores the development of an AWS Greengrass OPC UA component, opening ways to send OPC UA data to AWS without using AWS Sitewise, and delves into this endeavor's challenges, innovations, and transformative potential.

We also discuss creating a user-friendly web portal designed to streamline configuration settings and empower users to tailor the Greengrass OPC UA component effortlessly.

Challenges Faced

  1. Use of Additional Services Increasing Overall Cost: Transmitting OPC UA data to AWS necessitates a tailored solution for seamless data transmission. While AWS Sitewise integrates industrial data, it incurs additional costs. Developing a custom AWS Greengrass connector is imperative to enable direct transmission of OPC UA data to AWS, eliminating intermediary services and reducing operational expenses.
  2. Fortifying Security: Ensuring the security and integrity of industrial data is paramount. Implementing robust security measures, including certificate-based authentication and encryption, was critical in safeguarding sensitive data.
  3. Configuration Enigma: Flexibility in configuration is essential for diverse industrial environments. Designing a user-friendly web portal to customize security settings, define device parameters & configure MQTT Topics poses challenges in balancing simplicity and comprehensiveness.
  4. Advancements in Scalability: The scalability of the Greengrass OPC UA component is crucial for large-scale industrial deployments. Ensuring seamless scalability demanded optimization techniques and distributed computing principles to handle massive data volumes efficiently to accommodate dynamic changes in the industrial landscape was difficult.
  5. Interactive User Interface: Before the development of our web portal, users navigated the AWS console manually, hindering configuration and usability.

Work Flow

  1. Initialization: Our customized AWS Greengrass OPC UA component (developed using Python) is initialized on the Edge device, establishing communication channels with the OPC UA server (Kepware KepserverEx).
  2. Connection to Kepserver: The component connects to Kepserver using the OPC UA protocol for data acquisition. It establishes a secure connection between Kepserver and Edge Device to gather real-time data on industrial sensors and devices.
  3. Data Acquisition from Kepserver: The component continuously collects data from Kepserver, including sensor readings and other operational and health parameters of the machines.
  4. Data Translation: Data acquired from Kepserver is translated into a JSON format compatible with AWS Greengrass and MQTT.
  5. Communication with AWS IoT Core: Translated data is transmitted to AWS IoT Core using MQTT. AWS Greengrass facilitates secure and reliable communication between the edge device and AWS cloud services.

Benefits and Innovations

  1. Cost Optimization: The custom AWS Greengrass connector transmits OPC UA data to AWS cost-effectively, bypassing AWS Sitewise. It simplifies data transmission, eliminates intermediary services, and reduces operational expenses. Its bespoke nature allows for flexibility, customization, and scalability, empowering industrial enterprises to integrate their data with AWS for enhanced operational excellence efficiently.
  2. Fortified Security: Implementing certificate-based authentication and encryption (Sign and Encrypt method & Policy—Basic256sha256) fortifies the security posture of the Greengrass OPC UA component, instilling confidence in users regarding the confidentiality and integrity of their industrial data. This robust security framework mitigates the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches, ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory requirements.
  3. Configuration Convergence: The Greengrass OPC UA component’s flexibility, implemented by the Custom-Developed web portal, empowers users to tailor its functionality to their specific requirements. The component facilitates seamless integration into diverse industrial environments by offering customizable security settings, device parameters, and MQTT topics, fostering adaptability and operational efficiency.
  4. Scalability Symphony: The Greengrass OPC UA component’s scalability prowess enables it to evolve with expanding industrial IoT demands. The component orchestrated a symphony of scalability through optimization techniques and distributed computing principles, capable of handling massive data volumes and dynamic changes.
  5. Interactive User Interface: The intuitive web portal offers a seamless and engaging user experience. It centralizes configuration settings and parameters within a cohesive interface, allowing effortless tailoring without AWS Console complexities.


Developing an AWS Greengrass OPC UA component for industrial IoT showcases innovation, collaboration, and perseverance. Despite challenges, the benefits and innovations revolutionize how industrial machinery is connected, monitored, and managed.

The Greengrass OPC UA component is a beacon of progress, empowering organizations to unlock new possibilities and achieve unprecedented efficiency and insight.

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