Setting up a local development environment using Docker Compose

A step-by-step guide to creating a containerized environment for your application development needs

Mihir Patel
Simform Engineering
9 min readMay 4, 2023


Setting up a local development environment using Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a handy tool that helps you create and run applications that use multiple containers. It makes the process of setting up and deploying complex applications easier by letting you define everything you need in one file. With Docker Compose, you can manage all your containers together and easily control how they interact.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using Docker Compose and how it can help you streamline your Docker-based application development and deployment. We will cover the basics of Docker Compose, including how to define services, networks, and volumes in a Compose file, and how to use Docker Compose to start, stop, and manage your application stack.

What is docker-compose?

Docker Compose is a tool that helps spin up multiple containers with a single command. With Docker Compose, we can create a YAML file that defines how to create multiple services (containers) and spin up or tear it all down using a single command.


  1. How to install docker-compose on Linux:

2. How to install docker-compose on Windows/Mac:

Note: For Windows /Mac, Docker Compose is pre-installed with Docker Desktop, so you need to install Docker Desktop for Windows/Mac to use Docker Compose.

Sample docker-compose file:

version: "3.8"
context: pathOfCodeFolder
dockerfile: dockerFile name
image: dockerImageName
- "hostPort:ContainerPort"
entrypoint: ["/bin/sh",""]
command: npm run dev
restart: always
container name: contianer-front-end
key: value
- pathOfEnvFile
- networkName
volumes: # this is called as volume binding
- volumeName:ContainerPath
volumes: # this is called as host binding
- hostPath:containerPath
cpus: '2'
memory: 512M
cpus: '0.25'
memory: 64M
- serviceName

driver: <driverType>

Overview of Docker Compose File Parameters:

  • version: This specifies the version of the docker-compose file.
  • services: With the help of services in Docker Compose, we can create multiple services such as front-end, back-end, and database services, among others.
  • build: With the build keyword in Docker Compose, we can create an image for the service. The context keyword is used to specify the directory where the Dockerfile is located. Additionally, with the dockerfile keyword, we can specify a custom name for the Dockerfile to use.
  • image: If we want to use pre-built images from the Docker repository, such as DockerHub, we only need to specify the image name in the Docker Compose file.

Note: When we use both build and image keywords in a Docker Compose file, the image will be built using the context specified in the build keyword, and the image keyword will assign a name to the new image. This new image will then be listed under docker images command.

  • port: With the help of port exposing, we can access a site running in a container from the local host. On the left, we define the host port, and on the right, we define the container port. For example, if a Node container is running on port 4000, and we want to access it from the host machine on port 80, we can define the port in the compose file like this: 80:4000 (hostPort:containerPort).
  • Entrypoint and command:

Note: In Docker Compose, there is a difference between entrypoint and command. When an entrypoint is defined for a service, it cannot be overridden, and we can run executable commands such as migrations and seeding using the entrypoint. On the other hand, the command can be overridden, and we can specify multiple commands to run in a single service. Here is an example code snippet

command: >
bash -c "python migrate
&& python runserver"
  • environment: In Docker Compose, we can specify environment variables at runtime using the environment keyword, as shown in the example code snippet above.
  • environment_file: In cases where we need to specify a whole file containing environment variables, we can use the environment_file keyword, as shown in the example code snippet above.
  • container_name: The container_name keyword in Docker Compose allows us to specify a custom name for a container.
  • restart policy: In Docker Compose, it is important to specify a restart policy for each service. For example, if the restart policy is set to “always”, the Docker container will automatically restart if the host machine is rebooted. If not specified, then the container will not restart at the time of host restart or reboot. More information about restart policies can be found in the Docker documentation.
  • depends_on: When a service depends on another service, the depends_on keyword can be used. For example, suppose the backend container needs the database container to be running before it can start. In that case, we can use depends_on in the backend service so that the database container is created before the backend container starts.
  • networks: As shown in the code snippet above, we can create networks and attach them to specific services in Docker Compose. There are several types of networks available, including bridge, host, and overlay networks. For more information about Docker networks, please visit the official Docker documentation.
  • volumes: We need to use volume mounting when we require persistent storage for data, which should survive container stop or removal and start again.
  1. host mounting: In Docker Compose, we can use host-based mounting to achieve immediate code changes in the website without restarting the container. For instance, if we are running a front-end and a back-end service, we can make code changes on the host machine, and they will be immediately reflected in the container with the help of host-based mounting.
- 'hostPathOfCode:containerDirName'

2. volume mounting: To persist the volume of a database container, we can create a volume and attach it to the database service, as shown in the following code snippet.

- 'backend-db:containerDirName'


Resource limit on docker:

If we do not set resource limits on a container in Docker Compose, it will use the whole RAM and CPU limit of the host PC. To check the RAM and CPU usage of a container, you can use the docker stats command.

The below image shows a container without RAM and CPU limits set:

Containers without set RAM and CPU limits

The below image shows a container after RAM and CPU limits are set:

Containers after set RAM and CPU limits
cpus: '2'
memory: 512M
cpus: '0.25'
memory: 64M

As shown above, I have set a limit of 512MB on each container. This means that each container has a maximum RAM usage of 512MB.

By limiting RAM and CPU for each container, we can protect host RAM and CPU from overutilization.

Let’s set up the local development environment using docker-compose

Example: How to create a Docker Compose file to run front-end, back-end, and database containers.

version: '3.8'

image: postgres:latest
container_name: postgres
- '5432:5432'
- 'backend-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data'
cpus: '2'
memory: 512M
cpus: '0.25'
memory: 64M
- application

- backend
context: ./boilerplate_next/
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: compose_next
container_name: frontend
- '3000:3000'
- './boilerplate_next:/app'
- '/app/node_modules'
- '/app/.next'
cpus: '2'
memory: 512M
cpus: '0.25'
memory: 64M
- application

- postgres
context: ./server-js/
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: compose_node
container_name: backend
- './server-js/:/app'
- '8000:8000'
cpus: '2'
memory: 512M
cpus: '0.25'
memory: 64M
- application

driver: bridge

Note: We need to mount the node_modules and .next folder of frontend because the volume is not mounted during the build.


Front-end dockerfile:

FROM node:18.16.0-slim 


COPY package.json .

RUN npm install

COPY . .


RUN npm run build

CMD ["npm","run","start"]

Back-end Dockerfile:

FROM node:16.15.0-alpine


COPY package.json ./

RUN npm i

COPY . ./


RUN ["chmod","+x",""]

npm install

npx sequelize db:migrate --config config/config.js

npx sequelize db:seed --seed ./backend/seeders/20220630094531-create-user.js

npm run dev

For Postgres database we have used pre-built docker image as postgres:latest


  1. Here we need to run three services front-end, back-end, and Postgres, so create three services as shown above.
  2. Best practice: In each service, we should define the port to access the service from the host, specify whether to build or use an existing image, mount volumes to persist data and mount code from the host to the container, set resource limits, apply networks, and assign a container name.
  3. To check the log of the container: docker logs <container_name of contaienr_id>
  4. To run compose file: docker-compose up -d (-d used for running container in the background)
  5. To down compose file: docker-compose down (Stop and remove containers, networks it will not remove volume; to remove volume use -v).

Here is the output of the above code.
Run: docker-compose up

Access front-end by 3000 port define in docker-compose

Note: To connect the backend container with the database container, use the service names as the host name in the environment variables of the backend container.

Hot reloading:
Reloading the application without restarting the container

Front-end: To reload the application while changing code in the host code without restarting the container, we need to follow two steps.

  1. We have to mount a volume in compose file.
  2. Use development commands like npm run dev .

Back-end: To update the containerized application without rebuilding it when changes are made to the host code, we need to mount a volume as shown in the code above and add nodemon functionality to the package.json file.
For example, If you make changes to the front-end code, Docker Compose can automatically reflect those changes in the running application without requiring you to recreate the container.

Here, I made a change to one line of code.
Without restarting the container, changes are reflected in the running application

Troubleshooting commands:

  • To remove all Docker images that are not attached to any container: docker rmi -f `docker imaages -aq`
  • To remove all stopped Docker containers: docker rm `docker ps -aq`
  • To go inside a container: docker exec -it <contianerid or name>
  • To show the RAM and CPU usage of Docker: docker stats
  • To check the logs of a container: docker logs <container_id_or_name>
  • To build the images if the images do not exist and start the containers: docker-compose up
  • To build the images if the images do not exist and start the containers in the background: docker-compose up -d
  • To build images before starting containers: docker-compose up --build
  • To stop containers and remove containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up: docker-compose down

By default docker-compose down does not remove volume to remove use docker-compose down -v

Wrapping Up 👋

With the help of Docker Compose, developers can easily spin up a full-stack application in a local environment.

By setting up the application in a local environment, we can debug issues related to the front-end, back-end, and database. This enables us to quickly identify and fix any issues that may arise during development.

Another advantage of using Docker Compose is its ability to replicate the production environment locally. By defining the production environment in the Docker Compose configuration file, developers can easily recreate it on their local machines, eliminating the need for expensive hardware and infrastructure. This results in a faster development cycle and more accurate testing, leading to a more stable and reliable application.

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