Navigating Rough Waters: Shedding Technical Debt

Dor Amram
Similarweb Engineering
7 min readSep 4, 2023

If you’ve been in the software engineering field for even a short period, you’ve likely encountered the beast we all know as “technical debt.” I’ve been there, too — staring at a screen filled with spaghetti code, wondering how we got here. Over the years, I’ve learned that technical debt isn’t just an annoying byproduct of development; it’s a reality that, if not managed well, can cripple even the most promising projects. In this blog post, I want to share my personal experiences and the strategies I’ve found effective for fighting technical debt. I’ll also talk about how I’ve been working on creating what I like to call a “technical immune system” to keep this debt in check.

The Reality of Technical Debt

Technical debt is like that credit card bill you keep saying you’ll pay off next month but never do. It accumulates interest, and before you know it, you’re stuck in a cycle of just paying the minimum amount, never really reducing the principal. In software terms, this means your team is spending more time fixing bugs and navigating through complex, outdated code than actually building new features.

Strategies for Fighting Tech Debt: A Deeper Dive

Regular Audits: The Health Check-Ups

Regular audits are akin to the health check-ups we all know we should be getting but often neglect. In the context of software engineering, these audits serve as a diagnostic tool to identify areas of the codebase that have accumulated technical debt. I’ve found that setting aside time for these audits at least once a quarter has been invaluable.

But the audit doesn’t stop at identification; it extends to action. Once the audit is complete, we categorize the issues based on their severity and impact. We then create actionable tickets and prioritize them in our development backlog. This ensures that the identified issues don’t just sit there but are actively addressed in subsequent sprints.

The key to making audits effective is consistency and follow-through. It’s easy to conduct an audit once and forget about it, but the real value comes from making it a recurring activity. This allows us to track our progress over time and ensures that we’re moving in the right direction in terms of code quality and maintainability.

Prioritize Refactoring: The Diet Plan

Refactoring is the “diet plan” of the software world. We all know it’s good for us, but it’s often the first thing to be sacrificed when deadlines loom. I’ve been guilty of this more times than I’d like to admit. However, I’ve come to realize that consistent, small-scale refactoring is far more manageable and effective than occasional, large-scale overhauls.

To make refactoring a priority, I’ve started allocating a fixed percentage of each quarter solely for these tasks. This ensures that refactoring becomes an integral part of our development cycle rather than a one-off activity that happens “when we have time.” The trick is to make it non-negotiable, just like you would with a diet plan.

The benefits of this approach are twofold. First, it helps in gradually reducing the existing technical debt. Second, it prevents the accumulation of new debt by ensuring that we continuously improve the codebase. It’s a proactive approach that pays dividends in the long run.

Automated Testing: The Exercise Regimen

Automated testing is the exercise regimen that keeps your codebase fit and healthy. I’ve found that a robust automated testing framework is an invaluable asset in the fight against technical debt. We use a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to cover as much ground as possible. These tests are run automatically as part of our CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that any new code or changes to existing code are thoroughly vetted before being deployed.

The beauty of automated testing is that it provides immediate feedback. If a piece of code doesn’t meet the expected standards or if it breaks existing functionality, we know right away. This allows us to catch issues early in the development cycle, making them easier and less costly to fix.

Moreover, a strong testing framework acts as a safety net, giving developers the confidence to refactor and make changes to the codebase. This is crucial for reducing technical debt, as it allows us to improve the code quality without the fear of breaking existing functionality.

Code Reviews: The Personal Trainer

Code reviews are the personal trainers of the software development world. They provide an external perspective, catch potential issues, and push you to do better. I’ve made it a rule in my team that no code gets merged into the main branch without undergoing a peer review. This practice serves multiple purposes.

First, it acts as a quality gate, ensuring that the code meets the team’s standards both in terms of functionality and readability. Second, it fosters a culture of collective code ownership. When multiple eyes scrutinize every line of code, it’s less likely that technical debt will slip through the cracks.

Lastly, code reviews are an excellent platform for knowledge sharing and mentorship. More experienced team members can provide insights and best practices, while less experienced members get the opportunity to learn and improve. It’s a win-win situation that not only helps in reducing technical debt but also contributes to the team’s overall growth and development.

Building a Technical Immune System

Monitoring: The Vital Signs

Monitoring is the heartbeat of a technical immune system. Imagine walking into a hospital room where the patient’s vital signs are continuously displayed on a monitor. The doctors and nurses can instantly see if something goes wrong. Similarly, in the realm of software engineering, monitoring tools act as our eyes and ears, continuously scanning the codebase for “vital signs” like code complexity, dependency vulnerabilities, and performance metrics.

Monitoring is not just about collecting data; it’s about making sense of it. We use tools like DataDog to visualize this data in real-time dashboards. We set up alerts that notify us via Slack or email if certain thresholds are crossed. For instance, if the build fails or if some data is missing, the team is immediately alerted.

The beauty of monitoring is that it allows for proactive rather than reactive measures. Instead of waiting for a system to fail or for a user to report an issue, we can identify potential problems before they escalate. This is akin to catching a disease in its early stages, making it much easier to treat. Monitoring is the cornerstone of our technical immune system, providing the data we need to make informed decisions.

Automated Workflows: The Auto-Healing Mechanism

Automated workflows are the auto-healing mechanisms of our technical immune system. Just like white blood cells in our body rush to the site of an infection to combat pathogens, automated workflows kick in when they detect issues in the codebase. We use Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate a series of checks and balances. These pipelines run a battery of tests, perform code quality assessments, and even auto-refactor code where possible.

The power of automation lies in its consistency and speed. Manual processes are prone to human error and can be time-consuming. Automated workflows, on the other hand, execute the same set of tasks with machine-like precision, and they do it fast. This ensures that any new code or changes to existing code meet the predefined quality standards before they are deployed.

Moreover, these workflows are not set in stone; they evolve. As we identify new types of issues or adopt new technologies, we update our workflows to include checks for them. This adaptability makes our technical immune system resilient and up-to-date, capable of dealing with new “pathogens” as they emerge.

Knowledge Sharing: The Collective Immunity

Knowledge sharing is what I like to call the “collective immunity” of our technical ecosystem. Just as herd immunity protects a community from the spread of diseases, a shared knowledge base safeguards the team from repeating past mistakes and poor practices. We maintain an internal wiki that serves as a repository for all things technical — best practices, coding guidelines, lessons learned from past incidents, and even architectural decisions.

This knowledge base is a living document, continuously updated and enriched by contributions from team members. New hires are encouraged to go through this repository as part of their onboarding process. This not only brings them up to speed but also instills a culture of knowledge sharing right from the start.

The impact of this collective knowledge is exponential. It not only helps in reducing the introduction of new technical debt but also aids in faster problem-solving. When faced with a challenge, team members can refer to the knowledge base to see if a similar issue has been tackled before, saving time and effort.

Feedback Loops: The Body’s Response System

Feedback loops are akin to the body’s nervous system, sending signals from various parts to the brain for interpretation and action. In our technical environment, these loops are channels of continuous feedback from all stakeholders — developers, QA teams, product managers, and even end-users. We use tools like Jira and Slack to facilitate this communication, and we hold regular retrospectives to discuss what’s working and what’s not.

Feedback loops serve multiple purposes. First, they help us gauge the impact of technical debt on the product and user experience. Second, they provide insights into areas that may not be on our radar but are causing pain points for others. For example, a feature that we consider “done” might be causing usability issues for the end-users.

By closing the feedback loop, we not only improve the product but also fine-tune our technical immune system. We learn from our mistakes and successes alike, making necessary adjustments to our strategies, tools, and workflows. This iterative learning process is what makes our technical immune system robust and effective, capable of adapting to new challenges and complexities.


Navigating the dangerous waters of software development — filled with tight deadlines, rapid changes, and high stakes — can often lead to accumulating technical debt. Fighting it is a continuous journey, not a destination. It’s about making conscious choices and trade-offs.
By implementing the right strategies and building a resilient technical immune system, I’ve found a sustainable way to manage technical debt without stifling innovation. It’s all about being prepared and proactive, so you can not only survive but thrive in this challenging environment.

