Company Update | June 25, 2018

Wolfgang Ward
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2018

Hi, Simmitri Community! We have been hard at work and wanted to take some time to address the different areas of development so we can keep you up to date on where we are at with our progress and roadmap.

  1. New Website
  2. Platform Development
  3. Business Development
  4. AirDrop Distribution
  5. Exchanges
  6. Upcoming Live Events

New Website

If you have visited in the past few days you would have seen a major overhaul on the design and content that we updated the site with. As an ever-evolving company, it is important to keep the website modern and user-friendly to not only to be attractive but to also be functional.

Platform Development

We are ahead of schedule on the development updates for our platform. One of the main reasons we are speaking to so many utilities and manufacturers is because we will be using datasets to aggregate into our platform to help participants understand how they are (or can) use energy more efficiently on the macro and micro grids.

SimGrid Platform

Business Development

We have been in meetings all month in regards to developing our business strategy, economy and model. Building strong relationships within the power grid is a top priority for us right now. Our goal is to share our vision with energy companies and innovators to better secure a future where the Simmitri Smart Grid is a preferred choice among consumers. One new energy partner who joined us this month and who share our vision is SolarEdge.

We are currently in discussions with several other “potential” partners and will update when those are confirmed.

Additionally, there is a constant need in getting the message out, both in the cryptocurrency community as well as the energy community. We recently secured a creative partnership with LiveCoinWatch and Crypto University to help us gain awareness about our growing economy as well as beginning to give a series of educational videos and content to help users better understand our token economics.

Visit the Simmitri profile page on

Additionally, we are building relationships with dozens of journalists in the energy industry who are ready to receive updates and stories regarding Simmitri technology, trends and progress in this space. As those stories are written, we will update the community with those links and repost them.

AirDrop Distribution

First, we appreciate the patience of our supportive community members who are waiting for SIM tokens to be distributed. We understand it is taking longer than expected and for that we sincerely apologize.

After three very successful airdrop campaigns to gain awareness and community engagement and with over 263k people who participated in the airdrop, we ask that our members continue to be patient as we now distribute tokens to validated accounts. The Simmitri team will act swiftly to distribute tokens to those who earned them. Please be aware that the tokens may come to you after the end of June, which we were trying to hit, however, we still need more time. We will get to all of you, we promise.


As already known, we have been listed on Exrates for about a month. We have applied to several others and have actually been accepted to several more exchanges. As we continue to work with these exchanges, we will choose the ones that are in Simmitri’s best interest and look to those who are most-likely to increase volume. In this current market, all cryptocurrencies across the board have suffered in volume and we all hope to see the beginning of a healthy market soon. Announcements of exchanges will come soon and will be published when the exchanges are ready — it is out of our control.

Upcoming Live Events

There are a two conferences confirmed that are coming up and we’re looking forward to meeting familiar faces and discussing in person on specific strategies we’re working on. The first one we’re attending is July 10–12th at the Intersolar North America exhibit in San Francisco, CA. We’ve been attending this conference for years and will be discussing options with different clean energy companies for our smart grid economy.

The second live event confirmed will be held in Denver, CO at the Global Blockchain Summit held Oct. 19–20. We are currently requesting sponsorship packages for this event and are arranging in-person meetings for this event. In addition to discussing blockchain and cryptocurrency topics at this event, we aim to start building energy-centric relationships with local utilities and innovators across many different states. Denver is advantageous because of being a major hotspot in both innovative technology and renewable energy.

