Film Review — Despicable Me 4
If you find this series as funny as I do, the multitude of gags make up for an overstuffed, disconnected plot
Perhaps this will surprise some of you, but I laughed like a drain throughout the whole of Despicable Me 4. I don’t know what it is about the Despicable Me series, or the Minions spin-offs, but they crack me up, even though the humour is deeply childish. At least I’m not the only one. At the screening I attended, most of those present were adults, and everyone was guffawing.
Humour goes a long way in a film. With my critical hat on, I can see this series ought to have ended at least two films ago. This fourth instalment is not as good as the first two, but it still had me giggling consistently. A snobby voice in my head kept protesting. It said things like: “This isn’t a very good film, and laughing is bad for your image as a serious cineaste.” At that point, another voice in my head shut the first voice in a vending machine, shook up and opened a can of fizz, shoved it in, and watched it drench the first voice (exactly like one of the Minion gags in the film — not a spoiler, as it’s in the trailer).
Some of you might be scratching your heads at this point, wondering if I’ve been kidnapped and replaced by a doppelganger. Where is the Simon Dillon who was so…