La La Land — or, “What life could have been, but wasn’t”

Simone Brunozzi
Simone Brunozzi
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017
One of the moments in La La Land (image source)

I just came back from watching La La Land.
I can safely say that I loved it. It took me an hour or so to digest exactly how much I liked it, but the verdict is final. Yes, despite the many little silly scenes, and a story that (only apparently) seems so light and trivial.

I’m not going to spoiler too much, but… The movie ends with a scene that essentially describes how life could have been for the two protagonists… But wasn’t.
There are many movies out there. And then there are a few where you feel “touched”, deep inside. I doubt it works for everybody. It did for me.

In this period, as you might know, I am reflecting about life, work, and purpose, more than the usual.
There are always choices to make. Some of them are more important than others. No other choice, in my view, is more important than picking the person you want to share your life with. Your partner, your spouse.

And yet, as many things in life, your partner might not be permanent. Things change. People change. Things happen. And sometimes people fall apart. Like in the movie.

La La Land did a wonderful, incredible job in keeping the story at two parallel, concurrent levels. The first one is light, frivolous, almost obvious. The second is hidden, deep, profound, and bittersweet.

Life didn’t happen the way it could have, for them. But at the end, they still have the memory of a great love. And maybe it’s ok.

Maybe that’s what life is.

Sebastian (interpreted by Ryan Gosling) playing the piano (image source)

(p.s. If you’d like to read a great review of the movie, go here)



Simone Brunozzi
Simone Brunozzi

Tech, startups and investments. Global life. Italian heart.