Medium — my new blogging platform

Simon Haslam
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2018

Hello world! Well, I joined Medium in 2014 but have only been lurking... until today.

As a few people will know, I have been blogging for quite some time at (hosted on a Veriton web/app server), but have been silent for nearly 2 years. Much as I liked showing my support for JavaEE by eschewing PHP/MySQL, writing posts on my old Apache Roller blog started off as quite clunky and now, compared to modern publishing tools like WordPress and Medium, is downright tedious. This, coupled with a busy new job at eProseed, has been sufficient to limit any new writing.

Hopefully that will now change now that I’ve switched to Medium (more about why I chose Medium another day). I will keep my old blog at for now but plan to import the relatively few articles that have stood the test of time, and refresh them for today’s cloud-led IT world.

Success metrics of this new blog for me will be:

  • Is it easy for me to write posts and do I start publishing more again? (let’s say, on average, at least once a month).
  • Do people actually read what I write?

So, let’s see how this works out for a few months and then I’ll report back.

Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash



Simon Haslam

Oracle Infra & Cloud Platform specialist | ACE Director | Partner @eProseed