Blog Update — The Future Is Bright

Simon Prior
Simon Prior
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2015

For anyone who wasn’t aware, I’m currently in the process of writing my first novel. As a result, I’ve not had opportunity to maintain my blog updates on this website. In hindsight I would have preferred to maintain regular updates over the weeks just to keep things ticking over, but sadly that’s not been possible. In any case, apologies to anyone who has been a regular visitor to this website over the last couple of years, time has just got away from me.

While I have been pressing forward with the novel (30,000 words at the time of writing), I have also been writing about the films I’ve been watching recently, and I have a backlog of film reviews to upload from 12 May 2015 onwards. I’ll be making a few changes to my upload schedule to accomodate the reviews and my novel work. What this means in real terms is that from 01 July 2015 the film blogs will resume but will be posted once a day on weekdays only. This will reduce the already ridiculous level of pressure I put on myself to maintain a seven day posting schedule, despite the evidence pointing out that I clearly don’t have the time to do everything on my Big List of Things.

[caption id=”attachment_4037" align=”alignleft” width=”169"]

The face of a man genuinely sorry for not writing more blog posts lately.

The face of a man genuinely sorry for not writing more blog posts lately.[/caption]

Ironically enough, despite already having a lot on my plate I’m planning a podcast about the process of writing my novel and how I deal with the various challenges that frequently occur. And believe me, there are a lot of them. Hey, nobody said writing a novel was easy! Nor is making a podcast about it, either. This is despite my previous podcasting experience between 2009 and 2012. I’m working this one out as I go along, but with any luck it will be a useful resource for one or two of you.

I am considering branching out into doing something on YouTube as well, but what format that would take — and more importantly, how much of my time that would use up — are all under consideration at the moment. For now though I’ll stick with the podcast and, hopefully, some novel related updates to keep things ticking over until my film reviews resume on 01 July. The podcast will likely go live either this weekend or at some point in the week — future episodes will be once a fortnight at least, maybe sooner. All this quiet time without updates to the main website hasn’t been wasted!

On that note, while I do blog about every one of the films I see, I am happy to accept feedback on the blog and the sort of films I cover on here. While I will always be updating the website about every film I’ve seen, would people prefer to see me focus on specific genres? I’m a big fan of horror, science fiction and fantasy, so I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this point. It doesn’t hurt that most of my “to watch” pile fits into one of those three categories, so it won’t be a massive stretch.

And of course, I’ll be trying to post a bit more about the novel as time goes on. This will include sample chapters, character bios and anything else I can think of in the interim. It’s still a work in progress so I don’t want to throw this material out into the wider world until it’s ready, but I’ll do what I can to feed information to you all.

That’s me just about done. Feel free to get in touch if you have any comments — my contact details are all here.

