Crushing Evil Nations and Kingdoms

Simpe Bediako
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2017

​“You [Cyrus of Persia, soon to conquer Babylon] are My battle-axe and weapon of war — For with you I shatter nations, With you I destroy kingdoms. “With you I shatter the horse and his rider, With you I shatter the chariot and its driver, With you I shatter man and woman, With you I shatter old man and youth, With you I shatter young man and virgin, With you I shatter the shepherd and his flock, With you I shatter the farmer and his yoke of oxen, And with you I shatter governors and commanders. “And I will [completely] repay Babylon and all the people of Chaldea for all the evil that they have done in Zion — before your very eyes [I will do it],” says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 51:20‭-‬24 AMP)

The time has come for the God of vengeance to repay the nations that wasted His inheritance. God is commissioning you to arise as His battle axe and weapons of war. As you spend time waiting on the Lord in this season, He is sharpening us as His battle axes and weapons of war to demolish and crush evil nations and to liberate their captives.

Any evil power which holds your family and friends and community captive must let go and let go now. The Lord will raise each one of us as a battle axe and a weapon of war. The Lord will empower you to scatter nations and kingdoms and strange personalities.

Your prayer as you wait on God today is that The Portion of Israel shall prepare and raise you as an effective weapon of war and a battle axe that can shatter the evil nations and kingdom holding on to your inheritance. It is not enough to demolish demonic and evil altars but you must also step out and crush nations and kingdoms that ravage the vulnerable.

As you wait on God you must desire, hunger, and pray that The Portion of Israel, the LORD is His name, shall;

Anoint you

May the Lord anoint you with the Holy Spirit, that He the Spirit of Truth shall lead you into all truth, guide you, show you things in visions and dreams, lift up a standard against darkness, comfort and help you.

Liberate you

May the Lord liberate you from the things that holds you bound. The man of Gadara needed to be liberated. He needed to be liberated from the demonic force that held him captive. May the Lord graciously deliver us from the world and the flesh and societal influence.

Reroute you

May the Lord give you a new sense of direction and purpose as He gave to Cyrus of Persia. May He save us from the broad way we have chosen and set us on the narrow path. May we find a new path and new way to chart.

Resource you

May you never lack resources to champion the cause of Christ. As we wait on God, we are seeking the Lord’s help to find resources to champion the cause of hope and life and liberation. Oh God, send help, send partners, send resources, send money, send people, loyal people to fight along with our fathers!

Fired you up

Finally, our heart desire and prayer is that the Lord should fire us. Push us, drive us, literally project and thrust us. Receive God’s speed. Receive divine acceleration. Press on and push forward!

We are the battle axe of the Lord, His weapons of war to repay the evil nations and evil kingdoms holding the people of God captive. You must arise and seek God for the anionting, liberation, rerouting, resourcing and fresh fire.

Psalm 2 teaches that there is a king in Zion, indeed we are the sons of this king. If we ask, He will give us the nations for our inheritance and the kingdoms for our possession. We are being empowered to handle the nations of the Earth at will, to the extent of dashing them as the potter’s clay.

Stay blessed; I love you

Originally published at HighCity Church.



Simpe Bediako

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