Stand Out!

Simpe Bediako
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2018
Stand Out!

On page 19 of my book, The Most Important Secret Everyone Should Know, (Free download at I said there are three fundamental secrets to standing out, to excel, project, and show up. They are;

  1. Desire
  2. Decision
  3. Dedication

These three keys are important because excellence doesn’t come cheap, or to men who lie on a bed of feathers. All achievement worth celebratingStand Out! are accomplished by men who prepared their minds adequately the drill.


Every significant achievement have been attained by a compelling and unmatched desire. You need a compelling desire to keep you through the storm, heckle and the pain of making it. How much do you want it? Until you get consumed by the desire to achieve it, you may bow out before realizing your dream.


Proverbs 21:25 states clearly that “the desire of a lazy man kills him, because he won’t work”. You must make up your mind to work and push until you win. You must be determined not to let anything perturb you. In Acts 20:22–24, apostle Paul stated clear, that none of the things prophesied moved him. He was so determined and poised to achieve greatness.


The final quality to great achievements is dedication. You need an unmatched dedication to achieve much. Proverbs 12:24 teaches that “the hand of the diligent bears rule”. It is important to state that Apostle Paul did not achieve much by luck, he labored above them all; he labored more abundantly.

May the Great God help you to run with great desire, a solid decision to run, and an unmatched dedication to your calling

Be blessed, I love you.

Noah Simpe Bediako



Simpe Bediako

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