Jan 29 — Feb 4 in SimPEG

Lindsey Heagy
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

this week in SimPEG…

I have been working on a paper describing the 2D and 3D cyl meshes for simulating DC and EM for steel cased wells. One of the examples we will include re-examines two papers by Kaufman (Kaufman, 1990; Kaufman and Wightman, 1993) which derive an analytic expression for the electric fields due to a point charge inside of an infinitely long well. We set up a similar simulation using a 2km long well in a whole space. Here we examine 3 zones that he breaks up the physical behaviour into: a near zone, intermediate zone and a far zone. The plot on the top left is total charge and the top right is secondary charge (with a saturated colorbar). On the bottom, we show the total electric field (left) and total current density (right). Compare the electric field plot to Kaufman’s sketch!

At the meeting

We discussed:

