Upcoming Datacenter Migration

Simplay | Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

Amsterdam datacenter rollout

We’re super happy to update that our new datacenter in Amsterdam is finally ready to go live. We’re just wrapping up final tests to get everything nice and ready.

Our big rollout day is Thursday, February 8th. To support a smooth transition, the service would be unavailable for the duration of the migration process. This maintenance window would begin on February 6th, at 8:00 AM (GMT) and end on February 8th, at 9:00 AM (GMT).

Do I need to backup my Cloud PC?

Yes. Following the migration you’ll get a fresh, vanilla Cloud PC. So be sure to backup important data you have stored on your current Cloud PC.

We’re glad to update that the download speeds on the new datacenter are lightning fast, so re-installing your games and addond would be done in a heart beat!

Showing our appreciation

Over the past few months we’ve watched out community of supporters grow tremendously. Our community grew from a handful of die-hards and Cloud Gaming Enthusiasts, to a host of passionate gamers who are kind and helpful to each other. And that is so amazing, we truly feel blessed.

You guys stuck by us through thick and thin. From our initial launch (rocky start), through the development of much needed features, to overcoming “server full” issues. We even overcame a game server crash incident together, where you showed great patience and support and encouraged us to keep putting in the long hours to solve the case. Simplay is still in beta, and the upcoming large-scale migration might trigger some new bugs and transition issues.

We feel that your patience and support deserve proper acknowledgement. And we’re glad to announce that we’ll be giving all users with an active plan a free month of our new RARE plan (!!) to show our appreciation.

The upcoming version includes many new improvements — stronger plans, new streaming core and more. We can’t wait to share it with you all next week, we’re literally counting the days (not kidding).

Joining in

If you’ve tried Simplay in the past and decided not to stay with us for any reason, the upcoming host of improvements is going to blow you away. We strongly suggest you give our service another shot and re-join our free trial.

And if you’re not registered yet — registration for new users be open for waiting list members starting February 15th! Beta slots are limited, so be sure to register to reserve your spot.



Simplay | Blog

Simplay is a full gaming PC hosted in the cloud. For more information, visit http://www.simplay.io