Who are these guys?

Simplay | Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2017

This was one of many comments in an attempt to publicly shame us. There were other comments, like scam and spammers. How did we get in this situation? Well, we just tried to establish a relationship with a game developer. Judging by his “FUCK OFF” tweet and the fact that he posted an image of our email, it’s fair to say that this was an unsuccessful attempt. It is worth mentioning, though, that most of the comments were positive or neutral , so there are still reasonable people out there. Despite all of this, I can understand this response. Being an unknown company in the early market can make people nervous.

Enough with the talking! So who are we?

We are gamers in our souls who have the desire to play video games but lack the appropriate hardware to play on. To us, it just feels wrong to spend a few thousand dollars on gaming hardware, especially with families to take care of and with limited free income. So we thought , ”What if we could spend a few dollars every month to get the same experience, like Netflix but for gaming? This would be THE solution for us.”

So what is Simplay?

Simplay is more of a vision than just another product. We believe that everyone DESERVES the best video game experience and that it shouldn’t be reserved for only those who are willing to spend $2,000 on a gaming PC. Game developers invest a tremendous amount of time and resources to make the most beautiful video games, so you, the gamer, can enjoy them. Yet so many PC gamers play on general devices and can’t fully enjoy these titles. We are here to give you this opportunity. Without complicated plans, without commitments, without LIMITS. WE WANT YOU TO PLAY!

Sounds good! When can I get one?

Our streaming system is still in development and will launch this coming May. We aim to provide beta access shortly, so sign up for our mailing list at simplay.io and follow us on Twitter @Simplay_Gaming.



Simplay | Blog

Simplay is a full gaming PC hosted in the cloud. For more information, visit http://www.simplay.io