Hello UX Designer

Adam Silver
Simple = Human
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2016
Photo by Chris Brignola

I always get a little frustrated if an individual thinks they are responsible for UX because actually that’s not true.

Things are always better when people work together. The world wouldn’t be what it is today if it wasn’t for humans working together to achieve what would previously seem impossible.

“UX means User Experience which, in turn, means everything a human experiences when interacting with your product or service. Everything.”— Benedikt Lehnert

So if you’re in the office, look to your left and right — they are responsible for UX and guess what, so are you. Here are some examples…

If you communicate to your customers over social media or work in customer support…

You’re responsible for UX.

If you ensure the application architecture is designed for speed, reliability and iteration, by considering things like CQRS, Micro services and caching…

You’re responsible for UX.

If you write copy for websites and emails or strategise around when to send communication…

You’re responsible for UX.

If you translate designs into responsive and progressively enhanced front-end solutions and advise on what doesn’t work well cross-browser…

You’re responsible for UX.

If you conduct user research…

You’re responsible for UX.

If you test software for quality…

You’re responsible for UX.

If you facilitate the iterative process for regular improvement…

You’re responsible for UX.

And if you design UIs…

Yes you too, are responsible for UX.

Think about it…what good is a beautiful UI if it takes 10 seconds to load or contains crappy content? What good is it if you have a great content, but a terrible customer service? What good is it if everything is great except for the fact the website is unstable and goes down frequently? The answer is of course not much good!

Whoever you are, you’re responsible for UX. I look forward to working with you.

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Adam Silver
Simple = Human

Former frontend dev, turned designer. I talk about how to design simple and accessible products (without the BS).