How to travel (in summer) using only a backpack.

As experienced by a week around Greece.

Alex Emexezidis
(Simple) Menswear


Ever since I was a child, I had a big appreciation for simplicity: The most I cut from the rough edges of things, the most pure substance would end up in front of me. And this still rings true for many things — and especially baggages.

In summer packing, minimalism can be a great deal. This season has such a laid-back and relaxed character, that it (almost) demands that you follow. When you travel in summer you want to have as little as possible, both in your mind and on your back.

As I’m writing this article, I have just completed a seven-day tour that spanned half Greece, with just a backpack on me that contained all I would ever need. Ok, I had two (the first containing just a MacBook Air and some books for everyday reading) but you get the point, I could even put all of this into one.

And after walking through many hot days in cities, bathing in beaches, attending the backstage of a big music event and going out at a molecular mixology bar (it was the first — and last — time in my life that I would pay real money to eat foam) I ended up with a lot of stuff that I hadn’t even worn once.

So, what’s the recipe for simplicity? Let’s take a look at it together:

The (few) stuff you need for the most basic summer backpack.

It’s like it’s waiting to eat your possessions. Feed it here:

First of all, you need a good backpack.

This needs to be utilitarian at first and then stylish. If it has a good main department with a zip, a smaller front one for small things like chargers and some small inside pocket (for IDs and cards), then it’s good.

A backpack from ASOS with be just the thing for the job and at a quite nice price, but if you want something even better, check out one of my favorite backpack brands, Herschel, that makes American Heritage-inspired backpacks in great prices.

Then, it’s time for the most basic piece of a wardrobe: Shoes.

I’ll be brief: You only need one pair of shoes. This may sound a bit too minimalistic, but I have proven it many times to myself. In this seven-day period, even if I could have other pairs of shoes (to make my bag heavier) I would keep wearing just my Nike Roshes.

This shoe will save your life:

The trick is to have a model like this to begin with: A minimal, super-versatile shoe that will be great from a hot summer walk in the city center, to a formal night at an event.

You can even go for a jog in them (they are called Roshe Run for a reason).

My pair was black, which is an added bonus since it’s quite difficult to stain them, and they’re even sleeker. Also, one pair of shoes never takes space in your backpack since you’ll be always wearing them.

If you are going to the sea, you can also pack a pair of flip-flops.

This — in many colors:

Regarding pants: in summer I only wear shorts. But even so, the basic backpack still has room for a single pair of normal blue pants. Pack three different pairs of shorts (a blue, a beige and a grey one) one of which you are going to be wearing and you’ll be fine.

And don’t forget a pair of swim trunks.

Bright is good. Pastel bright is better:

On tops: the magic word is polo shirts.

Some lightweight and cool polo shirts, in three or four different colors that go with your shorts, are the best thing for summer. Take a grey, a black, a blue and a light-colored one. And if you believe that you’re going to need it, you can also pack a nice blue summer button-down shirt.

Take as many underwear as you can. You won’t have time for washing clothes when you are on the road, so treat your boxer briefs as a “disposable” thing.

Other essentials that you must pack are: A toothbrush and some dental floss, some tissues, your cologne (check out the liquid requirements if you’ll be traveling by plane) and some sunscreen if you are visiting the sea.

Don’t forget your phone charger, sunglasses and your IDs and cards.

Supposing that you have a nice smartphone, it can take the place of a laptop, a music player and a camera. And that’s all you need for a summer trip around Greece or any other European country.

So, to sum everything up:

  1. Most of the times we pack much more that we really need.
  2. Summer is by definition a time when you mustn’t worry a lot about things like clothing.
  3. Summer doesn’t need a lot of clothes to begin with (in contrast with Winter and it’s coats etc.)
  4. You can pack all you will ever need for even half-a-month in just a simple backpack.
  5. Forget your DSLR camera. Consolidating all of your technology need in your (able) smartphone, is a must.

And of course, don’t forget to have fun. It will be easier to do so when you have so much less to worry about. ;)

This Medium article is based on my Greek menswear articles that can be found at

