From Medium to Substack

Jennifer Chan
Simple, Not Easy
Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2020

Dear followers,

First, I want to thank you all for following me on Medium. This “blog” has allowed me to express my, sometimes, contrarian thoughts on work, personal finances, and entrepreneurship.

Moving forward, I will be writing weekly on Substack. This is because sometimes I want to write shorter posts and Medium’s algorithim tends to favour long-form articles. Also, for those who wish to support my writing will be able to do so directly.

I will write public articles there but most of my writing will be members-only. Again, this is to offset the costs and labour of writing.

I intend to occasionally publish on Medium but it will be infrequent and most likely cross-posts from my public Substack articles.

Regardless if you choose to follow me on Substack or not, I am deeply humbled by all the warm comments and e-mails that I’ve received from readers across the globe. It means a lot to know that I have inspired some of you to adopt a simpler lifestyle predicated on better over more.

If you’d like to continue to follow my writing, please join me here on Substack.

I would love if you could support my writing by becoming a member but I know that times are tough right now. Also, please feel free to e-mail me ( and I am happy to give you a membership at a discounted rate.

Take care of yourself and one another,




Jennifer Chan
Simple, Not Easy

Productivity, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence at work. Writing now at